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O'Connor, Pat, Teresa Carvalho, and Kate White. The Experiences Of Senior Positional Leaders In Australian, Irish And Portuguese Universities: Universal Or Contingent?. Higher Education Research And Development 33, no. 1. Higher Education Research And Development (2014): 5-18. doi:
Nicolatou-Galitis, Ourania, Morten Schiødt, Rui Amaral Mendes, Carla Ripamonti, Sally Hope, Lawrence Drudge-Coates, Daniela Niepel, and Tim Van den Wyngaert. Medication-Related Osteonecrosis Of The Jaw: Definition And Best Practice For Prevention, Diagnosis, And Treatment. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology And Oral Radiology. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology And Oral Radiology (2018). doi:
Neves, Ana, Lucy Niemeyer, Emília Duarte, D. Dias, Hande Ayanoglu, L. Teixeira, M. Saraiva, and Fernando Martins. Learning Basic Design With Virtual Reality: A Methodological Approach. In Edulearn16 Proceedings. Edulearn16 Proceedings. IATED Academy, 2016. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2016.2283.
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Morgado, Jose Carlos, and J. A Pacheco. Globalização E Autonomia: Desafios, Compromissos E Incongruências. In Globalização E Educação: Desafios, Políticas E Práticas, 61-86. Globalização E Educação: Desafios, Políticas E Práticas. Porto: Porto Editora, 2006.
Monteiro, Ana, and Cristina Pereira. Student (Formative) Evaluations Of Teaching: Innovating To Promote De Facto Improvements In Teaching And Learning In Higher Education. Edulearn 24 - 16Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. Edulearn 24 - 16Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. Valencia, Spain: International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2024. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2024.2180.
Monteiro, Sílvia, Amanda Franco, Diana Soares, A.G. Aracil, and L. Almeida. Beating The Odds In University, Labor Market And Life: The Role Of Higher Education In Times Of Socioeconomic Change. In Factors Affecting Academic Performance, 295-307. Factors Affecting Academic Performance. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2017.
Miguéis, Vera, Sónia Cardoso, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Sarsfield J. Cabral. Quality Assurance Of Doctoral Education In Portugal: A Retrospective Of The First Accreditation Cycle.. 11Th Annual International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. 11Th Annual International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. Palma de Mallorca (Spain): EDUlearn, 2019.
Migliorati, Cesar A, and Rui Amaral Mendes. The Intersection Of Oral Medicine And Interprofessional Education. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology And Oral Radiology. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology And Oral Radiology (2014). doi:10.1016/j.oooo.2014.03.002.
Melo, Ana Sofia, Cláudia Sarrico, and Z. Radnor. The Effect Of Performance Management Systems On The Governance Of Universities: The Case Of An English University. In Egpa Conference 2008. Egpa Conference 2008. Rotterdam (The Netherlands), September 3-6, 2008.
Melo, Ana Sofia, and Cláudia Sarrico. Performance Management Systems And Their Influence On The Governance Structures Of Portuguese Universities: A Case Study. Incentives And Performance: Governance Of Research Organizations. Incentives And Performance: Governance Of Research Organizations (2015): 413-430.
Melo, Ana Sofia, Cláudia Sarrico, and Z. Radnor. Performance Management Systems In Higher Education: A Comparative Study Between The Uk And Portugal. In Pma Symposium 2013. Pma Symposium 2013. Loch Lomond (Escócia), 25-27 de junho, 2013.
Melo, Ana Sofia, Cláudia Sarrico, and Z. Radnor. How Have Performance Management Systems Affected Governance Structures In Portugal: A Case Study. In 23Rd Cher Conference. 23Rd Cher Conference. Oslo (Noruega), 10-12 de julho, 2010.
Melo, Ana Sofia, H. Albergaria, and A. Martins. The Portuguese Wine In International Markets. In Xxiii World Congress Of Vine And Wine And The 78Th General Assembly Of The International Organisation Of Vine And Wine (Oiv). Xxiii World Congress Of Vine And Wine And The 78Th General Assembly Of The International Organisation Of Vine And Wine (Oiv). Lisboa (Portugal), Centro Cultural de Belém, June 23-26, 1998.
Melo, Ana Sofia. The Role Of Public Managers On Organisational Performance Measurement And Management. The Case Of Higher Education Institutions. A Comparative Study Of Portugal And The Uk. In Seminário Do Centro De Estudos Em Governação E Politicas Públicas (Cegopp). Seminário Do Centro De Estudos Em Governação E Politicas Públicas (Cegopp). Aveiro (Portugal), Universidade de Aveiro, May 12, 2006.
Melo, Ana Sofia, and Hugo Figueiredo. A Abrangência Das Atividades De Investigação E De Criação Cultural Das Instituições De Ensino Superior Politécnico: Definição De Dimensões De Análise E Seleção De Indicadores. In Indicadores De Desempenho Para As Instituições De Ensino Superior Politécnico: Investigação Aplicada, Criação Cultural E O Impacto Regional, 157-171. Indicadores De Desempenho Para As Instituições De Ensino Superior Politécnico: Investigação Aplicada, Criação Cultural E O Impacto Regional. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo, Lda., 2017.
Melo, Ana Sofia. Public Sector Reform: The State Of Performance Management In Portugal. In 16Th Irspm Conference. 16Th Irspm Conference. Roma (Itália), 11-13 de abril, 2012.

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