
CIPES is a research centre that aims to produce and disseminate knowledge on higher education. It seeks to do so in close collaboration with the main stakeholders of the higher education system. Therefore, the dissemination of this work is carried out both among scientific institutions and networks and among different audiences that may benefit from ongoing research in higher education and, therefore, achieve a more informed view on the major developments in the higher education sector. This will continue to be done, not only at the national level but also at the international level. Since its inception, CIPES has gained significant prominence for the development of strong and continuous communication with policy makers and institutional managers and other stakeholders in its area of expertise. CIPES has, from the outset, awarded significant prominence to the development of strong and continuous communication with policy-makers, institutional managers and other stakeholders in its field.

CIPES also has a large library on higher education topics, which is the main library specialised in these subjects in Portugal. This library is available for consultation by its researchers and other members of the Portuguese and foreign scientific community.

© CIPES 2019