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Amaral, Alberto. From Quality Assurance To Accreditation – A Satirical View. In Towards A Cartography Of Higher Education Policy Change, 79-86. Towards A Cartography Of Higher Education Policy Change. Czech Republic: UNITISK, 2007.
Amaral, Alberto. A Problemática Do Insucesso No Ensino Superior. In Sucesso E Insucesso No Ensino Superior Português, Seminários E Colóquios. Sucesso E Insucesso No Ensino Superior Português, Seminários E Colóquios. Lisboa: CNE, 2002.
Amaral, Alberto, Orlanda Tavares, and C. M Santos. Higher Education Reforms In Europe: A Comparative Perspective Of New Legal Frameworks In Europe. In European Higher Education At The Crossroads: Between The Bologna Process And National Reforms, 655–673. European Higher Education At The Crossroads: Between The Bologna Process And National Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-3937-6_35.
Amaral, Alberto. Cndo Calculations For Substituted Pyridines Ii. Rev. Port. Química 21, no. 76. Rev. Port. Química (1979).
Amaral, Alberto, Orlanda Tavares, Sónia Cardoso, and Cristina Sin. Shifting Institutional Boundaries Through Cross-Border Higher Education. Journal Of Studies In International Education 20. Journal Of Studies In International Education (2016): 48-60. doi:10.1177/1028315315587108.
Amaral, Alberto. Quality Assurance: Role, Legitimacy, Responsibilities And Means Of Public Authorities. In The Legitimacy Of Quality Assurance In Higher Education, 31–47. The Legitimacy Of Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Strasbourg: Council of Europe higher education series No. 9, 2008.
Amaral, Alberto. Educação E Investigação: Uma Situação Difícil. In Uma Euro-Região Entre Dois Séculos, 235–251. Uma Euro-Região Entre Dois Séculos. Vigo: Eixo Atlântico el Noroeste Peninsular, 2010.
Amaral, Alberto. The University And Its Social Partners. In Cre-Action. Vol. 100. Cre-Action. Geneva: CRE, 1992.
Amaral, Alberto. Riconoscimento Del Ticino Come Cantone Universitario. Report For The Swiss Federal Government. Report For The Swiss Federal Government, 2000.
Amaral, Alberto, and António Magalhães. Market Competition, Social Accountability And Institutional Strategies. In Transparency, Information And Communication Technology – Social Responsibility In Business And Education, 205–226. Transparency, Information And Communication Technology – Social Responsibility In Business And Education. Charlottesville, Virginia: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2008.
Amaral, Alberto, J. W Linnett, and C. T Williamson. The Double-Bond In Ethylene. Theoret. Chim. Acta 16, no. 249. Theoret. Chim. Acta (1970).
Amaral, Alberto. The Academics: From Professionals To Employees. Scuola Democratica 3. Scuola Democratica (2021): 393-404.
Amaral, Alberto. The Difficult Life Of Prophets And Seers. Higher Education Policy 26, no. 4. Higher Education Policy (2013): 463-478.
Amaral, Alberto, and António Magalhães. Market Competition, Public Good, And State Interference. In Public-Private Dynamics In Higher Education. Expectations, Developments And Outcomes, 89-110. Public-Private Dynamics In Higher Education. Expectations, Developments And Outcomes. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2007. doi:10.14361/9783839407523-004.
Amaral, Alberto, and G. Neave. On Bologna, Weasels And Creeping Competence. In European Integration And Governance Of Higher Education And Research, 271–289. European Integration And Governance Of Higher Education And Research. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009.
Amaral, Alberto. The Role Of Governments And Institutions: The Portuguese And The Brazilian Cases. Quality In Higher Education 1. Quality In Higher Education (1995): 249-256.
Amaral, Alberto. Delegation Theories And A Neoliberal Paradox. In Handbook Of Higher Education Management And Governance. Handbook Of Higher Education Management And Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023.
Amaral, Alberto. Recent Trends In European Higher Education. Journal Of Finance And Management In Colleges And Universities 6. Journal Of Finance And Management In Colleges And Universities (2009): 211-240.

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