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Biscaia, Ana Rita, P. Teixeira, V. Rocha, and M.F. Cardoso. Higher Education, Human Capital, And Regional Dynamics In Southern Europe. Advances In Spatial Science. Advances In Spatial Science (2017): 323-344. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49818-8_14.
Bianchetti, Lucídio, and António Magalhães. Declaração De Bolonha E Internacionalização Da Educação Superior: Protagonismo Dos Reitores E Autonomia Universitária Em Questão. Avaliação: Revista Da Avaliação Da Educação Superior (Campinas) 20. Avaliação: Revista Da Avaliação Da Educação Superior (Campinas) (2015): 225-249.
Bertolin, J., Alberto Amaral, and L. Almeida. Os Cursos De Graduação Podem Compensar A Falta De Capital Cultural E Background De Estudantes?. Educação E Pesquisa 45. Educação E Pesquisa (2019). doi:
Beirão, G, and José António Sarsfield Cabral. The Reaction Of The Portuguese Stock Market To Iso 9000 Certification. Total Quality Management 13. Total Quality Management (2002): 465-474.
Beirão, G, and José António Sarsfield Cabral. Market Segmentation Analysis Using Attitudes Toward Transportation Exploring The Differences Between Men And Women. Transportation Research Record: Journal Of The Transportation Research Board 2067. Transportation Research Record: Journal Of The Transportation Research Board (2008): 56-64. doi:10.3141/2067-07.
Barbosa, Milka, Teresa Carvalho, Fernanda Cassundé, and Ricardo Mendonça. Formação De Professores De Ensino Superior Para A Gestão: Perspectivas E Consequências.. Revista De Administração Faces 16, no. 4. Revista De Administração Faces (2018): 66–84. doi:
Bakthavatchaalam, Venkat, and Maria José Sá. Empowering Female Participation In Engineering Research: Unmasking Constrains And Developing Gender-Sensitive Research Policies. Science-Policy Brief For The Multistakeholder Forum On Science, Technology And Innovation For The Sdgs. Science-Policy Brief For The Multistakeholder Forum On Science, Technology And Innovation For The Sdgs. United Nations STI Forum 2024, 2024.
Bakthavatchaalam, V. P, M. Miles, Maria José Sá, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and J. Gingele. Gender And Research Productivity Of Academics In South India’s Higher Education Institutions. 2Nd International Conference On Gender Research. 2Nd International Conference On Gender Research. Rome: ICGR, 2019.
Bakthavatchaalam, V. P, Maria José Sá, E. Baburaj, and Mike Miles. Are Female Academics More Research Resilient? Evidence From South India’s Engineering Institutions. In Stem Education For Girls And Women. Breaking Barriers And Exploring Gender Inequality In Asia, 148-188. Stem Education For Girls And Women. Breaking Barriers And Exploring Gender Inequality In Asia. Paris and Bangkok: UNESCO, 2021.
Bakthavatchaalam, V. P, M. Miles, I. A Horodnic, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Research Productivity Of Higher Educational Systems In Transition: A Study Of Engineering Institutions In Coimbatore, India. In Mission Responsible: Future Of Education And Youth Work. Mission Responsible: Future Of Education And Youth Work, 2017.
Bakthavatchaalam, Venkat, Mike Miles, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and Maria José Sá. Academic Dishonesty And Research Productivity In A Changing Higher Education Environment. The Case Of India’s Engineering Institutions. Voprosy Obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow 2. Voprosy Obrazovaniya/Educational Studies Moscow (2021): 84-104. doi:
Azevedo, C. A Bourdieusian Analysis Of British Students’ Neoliberal Career Aspirations And Strategies: Grooming (For) The 'Good Life'. In 13Th International Critical Management Studies Conference . 13Th International Critical Management Studies Conference . Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2023.
Azevedo, C. Students As Consumers? An Exploration Of Students’ Discourse Within The Managerialised University. In Scos – Standing Conference On Organizational Symbolism. Scos – Standing Conference On Organizational Symbolism. Tokyo, Japan, 2018.
Azevedo, C. Students As (More Than) Consumers? A Bourdieusian Exploration Of English Undergraduates’ Identities. In 13Th International Euredocs Conference. 13Th International Euredocs Conference. Lausanne, Switzerland, 2023.
Azevedo, C. Higher Education Students In The Uk: A Future Of Possibilities Or A Lonely Road?. In 1St Scuola Democratica International Conference. 1St Scuola Democratica International Conference. Cagliari, Italy, 2019.
Azevedo, C., and C. Clarke. Students As Consumers? A Surprisingly Mundane Metaphor To Explain A Complex Reality [Shortlisted For The Best Doctoral Student Paper Award]. In 34Th Egos (European Group For Organizational Studies) Conference. 34Th Egos (European Group For Organizational Studies) Conference. Tallinn, Estonia, 2018.
Azevedo, C. Is The Customer Always Right? An Exploration Of Academic-Student Identities Within The Managerialised University. In Bam - British Academy Of Management. Bam - British Academy Of Management. Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2016.
Azevedo, C. Students As Consumers In Marketised Higher Education Systems: An Exploration Of Discourse And Practice [Forthcoming On Routledge]. Research Into Higher Education. Research Into Higher Education. Routledge (Co-published with the Society for Research into Higher Education), 2025.
Azevedo, C. Students In The Global Higher Education Market: Identities, Pathways, And Political Agency. Higher Education. Higher Education (2024). doi:
Antunes, Maria João, Teresa Medina, João Caramelo, António Magalhães, and Manuela Ferreira. Ciências Da Educação Em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos De Intervenção E Profissionalidades. Ciências Da Educação Em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos De Intervenção E Profissionalidades. Ciências Da Educação Em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos De Intervenção E Profissionalidades. Porto: Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, 2019.
Amorim, M., C. Pimentel, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Iem Graduates Transition To The Labour Market: The Importance Of Internships. International Journal Of Industrial Engineering And Management 3. International Journal Of Industrial Engineering And Management (2012): 83-92.

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