Research Projects




  • The SQELT project aims at establishing a comprehensive L&T core dataset (LTCD) for assessing HEIs' performance quality in L&T. The LTCD shall be based on the general criteria of empirical reliability and relevance for quality enhancement and strategic governance; it...
  • The study, coordinated by Simon Marginson from the Centre for Global Higher Education - UCL Institute of Education University College London involved other European research centres on higher education. Researchers conducted semi-structured interviews on the effects of and respon...
  • The main aim of CHANGE – “CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research” is it to support research organisations to implement gender equality plans, this will be achieved by involving key actors, called transfer agents, within each organisation who will together with th...
  • Over the last decades, the need to produce quantitative information that allows the analysis and formulation of policies in the area of education has increased (Leite et al., 2014). Societies are putting increasing pressure to promote greater access to information and greater tra...


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