Hugo Figueiredo

First name: 
Last name: 
Doctoral Degree
Degree title: 
PhD in Management Sciences
Graduation year: 
Manchester Business School
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism, University of Aveiro
Research interests: 
Hugo's research interests are in the areas of i) economics of (higher) education; ii) labour and personnel economics; and iii) inequality and equal opportunities. His recent academic work covers four main areas: i) trends in the returns to higher education and inequality among graduates following the massification of higher education; ii) new challenges facing HE institutions as a result of such massification (the sustainability of binary higher education systems, the promotion of graduates’ employability, the decrease of drop-out rates, the establishment of links with industry and external actors); iii) trends and determinants of the gender pay gap; iv) structural change and changes in the demand for higher education skills and competences.
Biographical note: 
Hugo Figueiredo is an economist (Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, 2000) with a PhD from the Manchester Business School, University of Manchester (2009). He is currently a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism at the University of Aveiro, a full researcher at CIPES - Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies and an external researcher at GOVCOPP. He is also a Global Labour Organisation fellow.
CORDIS Keywords: 
Social and Economic concerns
Education, Training
Economic aspects
Employment issues
Status at CIPES: 
Integrated researcher

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