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Dyson, R.G., R. Allen, A.S. Camanho, Victor V Podinovski, Cláudia Sarrico, and E.A. Shale. Pitfalls And Protocols In Dea. European Journal Of Operational Research 132. European Journal Of Operational Research (2001): 245-259.
Donina, Davide, Sofia Bruckmann, and Stefano Paleari. Convergence Or Divergence In University Institutional Governance Reforms? Comparing Napoleonic States. In Organizing In The Shadow Of Power, 51-84. Organizing In The Shadow Of Power. Roma: Minerva Bancaria, 2018.
Diogo, Sara, Milka Barbosa, and Teresa Carvalho. An International Comparative Perspective On Higher Education Institutions’ Governance And Management – Portugal, Finland, And Brazil. In Intercultural Studies In Higher Education, 109–133. A. Moreira, P. Jen-Jacques, N. Bagnall . Intercultural Studies In Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., 2019. doi:
Diogo, Sara, Sónia Cardoso, Thiago Freires, and Teresa Carvalho. Travelling Discourses And Pressures On Doctoral Education: The Portuguese Case. In 6Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. 6Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies, 2024.
Diogo, Sara. Teaching And Research In The Knowledge Society: Exploring Portuguese Academics’ Trade-Off. In Teaching And Research In The Knowledge Society. Vol. 23. F. Huang, T. Aarrevaara, U. Teichler. Teaching And Research In The Knowledge Society. Springer, 2022.
Diogo, Sara, and Sofia Bruckmann. Managing The Unmanageable: Perceptions On Institutional Change Of A Portuguese University Foundation. Working Papers In Higher Education Studies 1, no. 1. Working Papers In Higher Education Studies (2015): 23-46.
Diogo, Sara, Andreia Gonçalves, Sónia Cardoso, and Teresa Carvalho. Tales Of Doctoral Students: Motivations And Expectations On The Route To The Unknown. Education Sciences 12, no. 4. Education Sciences (2022): 286. doi:
Diogo, Sara, Milka Barbosa, and Teresa Carvalho. An International Comparative Perspective On Higher Education Institutions’ Governance And Management—Portugal, Finland, And Brazil. In Intercultural Studies In Higher Education: Policy And Practice.. Intercultural Studies In Higher Education: Policy And Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan., 2019.
Diogo, Sara, Teresa Carvalho, and Anabela Queirós. Teaching And Research In The Knowledge Society: Exploring Academics’ Trade-Offs Through National Comparative Perspectives. In Teaching And Research In The Knowledge-Based Society: Historical And Comparative Perspectives, 23:230. F. Huang, T. Aarrevaara, U. Teichler. Teaching And Research In The Knowledge-Based Society: Historical And Comparative Perspectives. Springer Cham, 2022. doi:
Diogo, Sara, Ricardo Biscaia, and Teresa Carvalho. Does Taking A Phd Abroad Increase The Number Of International Publications? Reflections From The Best Self-Reported Publications In Portuguese Academia. In 14Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 14Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy, 2020. doi:
Diogo, Sara, and Teresa Carvalho. Brothers In Arms? How Neoliberalism Connects North And South Higher Education: Finland And Portugal In Perspective. Social Sciences 11, no. 5. Social Sciences (2022): 213. doi:
Diogo, Sara. Looking Back In Anger? Putting In Perspective The Implementation Of The Bologna Process In Finnish And Portuguese Higher Education Systems. European Journal Of Cultural And Political Sociology 7, no. 2. European Journal Of Cultural And Political Sociology (2020).
Diogo, Sara, Teresa Carvalho, and Zélia Breda. Nomination Vs. Election: Do They Influence Women’s Access To Institutional Decision-Making Bodies?. Journal Of Management And Governance 25. Journal Of Management And Governance (2020): 879–898. doi:
Diogo, Sara, Teresa Carvalho, and Alberto Amaral. Institutionalism And Organisational Change. In The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance, 114-131. J. Huisman, H. de Boer, D. Dill, M. Souto-Otero . The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan , 2015. doi:
Diogo, Sara. Same Challenges, Different Processes: Perceptions On Governance Changes In Portuguese And Finnish Higher Education. European Journal Of Higher Education. European Journal Of Higher Education (2014). doi:10.1080/21568235.2014.967793.
Diogo, Sara. Implementing The Bologna Process In Portugal And In Finland: National And Institutional Realities In Perspective. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area no. 1. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area (2014): 35-54.
Dill, D., and P. Teixeira. Program Diversity In Higher Education: An Economic Perspective. Higher Education Policy 13. Higher Education Policy (2000): 99-117. doi:10.1016/S0952-8733(99)00026-4.
Dill, D., P. Teixeira, B. Jongbloed, and Alberto Amaral. Conclusion. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 327-352. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Dias, D., and Diana Soares. Navigating Round Higher Education Degrees: A Cross Comparison Of Bachelor, Master And Phd Learning Outcomes. Proceedings Of Edulearn18 Conference. Proceedings Of Edulearn18 Conference, 2018.

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