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Bruckmann, Sofia. Shifting Boundaries In Universities’ Governance Models: The Case Of External Stakeholders. In The Transformation Of University Institutional And Organizational Boundaries. The Transformation Of University Institutional And Organizational Boundaries. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2015.
Pekkola, Elias, Teresa Carvalho, Taru Sikkinen, and Jan-Erik Johansson. The Sociology Of Professions And The Study Of The Academic Profession. In Theoretical And Methodological Perspectives On Higher Education Management And Transformation : An Advanced Reader For Phd Students, 121-150. E. Pekkola, J. Kivistö, V. Kohtamäki, Y. Cai, A. Lyytinen. Theoretical And Methodological Perspectives On Higher Education Management And Transformation : An Advanced Reader For Phd Students. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press, 2018.
Pinheiro, S., M. Rosa, I. Menezes, and António Magalhães. Sustainability Concerns Of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions: How Are They Planning To Contribute To A More Sustainable World. Journal Of Social Studies Education Research 15, no. 2. Journal Of Social Studies Education Research (2024): 179-203.
Bizerril, Marcelo, Maria João Rosa, Teresa Carvalho, and Júlio Pedrosa. A Sustentabilidade Socioambiental No Ensino Superior: Um Tema Integrador Para Os Países De Língua Portuguesa?. Revista Forges – Fórum De Gestão Do Ensino Superior Nos Países E Regiões De Língua Portuguesa 2, no. 2. Revista Forges – Fórum De Gestão Do Ensino Superior Nos Países E Regiões De Língua Portuguesa (2015): 99–115.
Santiago, Rui, F. Correia, Orlanda Tavares, and Carlos Pimenta. Um Olhar Sobre Os Rankings. Matosinhos: Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, 2004.
Amaral, Alberto. Universities And The Knowledge Society Revisited. In The Idea Of The University, Contemporary Perspectives, 353-369. The Idea Of The University, Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang, 2018.

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