The Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society (APIKS) is a study examining changes in the world of academic work in over 20 countries. The results offer the opportunity to examine the changing nature of work at universities and other higher education institutions both nationally and internationally. The survey is divided into six themes: career and professional status, general situation at work, teaching, research, societal interaction, and administration and management. Over the last few years, the Academic Profession in the Knowledge Society (APIKS) has been created through the work of country teams.
The survey results will be compared with those obtained in a 2008 study entitled “Changing Academic Profession” which has yielded a comprehensive range of publications, e.g. books and peer-reviewed articles. The Changing Academic Profession (CAP) was a global survey, originally carried out by 19 research groups, which spawned several successor projects between 2009 and 2014. Thus, some country teams have the opportunity to produce a time series from these valuable research projects. As a result, the survey will produce a unique data base for comparative studies. The data collected in the APIKS Survey has been implemented by country teams which have produced widely-documented reports and codebooks. The APIKS scholars have established the decisions needed on survey methods, ethical codes and regulatory management, and a more detailed timetable for survey analysis based on the themes of forthcoming conferences and scholarly reporting in Scholarly Journals and The Changing Academy book Series. Data management is located at the Finnish team.
The Co-ordinator Group members are Timo Aarrevaara (chair) and Monica Marquina.
Advisory Group members are Ulrich Teichler (chair), Akira Arimoto, Elizabeth Balbashevsky and William Cummings.
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