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Santos, Sandra, Iolanda Ribeiro, F L Viana, Irene Cadime, and Séli Chaves-Sousa. Bateria De Avaliação Da Leitura: Estudos De Validade. In 10º Encontro Nacional / 8º Internacional De Investigação Em Leitura, Literatura Infantil E Ilustração. 10º Encontro Nacional / 8º Internacional De Investigação Em Leitura, Literatura Infantil E Ilustração. Braga: Universidade do Minho, 2014.
Monteiro, Sílvia, Amanda Franco, Diana Soares, A.G. Aracil, and L. Almeida. Beating The Odds In University, Labor Market And Life: The Role Of Higher Education In Times Of Socioeconomic Change. In Factors Affecting Academic Performance, 295-307. Factors Affecting Academic Performance. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2017.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Becoming Young Or Student: A Developmental Challenge. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia (2013). doi:10.14195/1647-8614\_47-2\_4.
Sarrico, Cláudia. Benchmarking Higher-Education System Performance: A Look At Learning And Teaching. In Assessing Quality In Postsecondary Education: International Perspectives. Assessing Quality In Postsecondary Education: International Perspectives. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
Dias, D., and Diana Soares. A Blind Date Between Academic Curriculum And Job Market: The Strategic Role Of Soft Skills. In Edulearn 17 Proceedings - 9Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. Edulearn 17 Proceedings - 9Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, Spain. 3-5 July: IATED, 2017. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2017.1538.
Sin, Cristina. The Bologna Master Degree In Search Of An Identity. European Journal Of Higher Education 2, no. 2-3. European Journal Of Higher Education (2012): 174-186. doi:10.1080/21568235.2012.702437.
Amaral, Alberto, Cristina Sin, and L.G. Veiga. The Bologna Process. Oxford Bibliographies. Oxford Bibliographies (2018).
Sin, Cristina, and Orlanda Tavares. The Bologna Process And The Unachieved Potential For The Creation Of A Common Higher Education Market . In European Higher Education And The Internal Market. Tensions Between European Policy And National Sovereignty. European Higher Education And The Internal Market. Tensions Between European Policy And National Sovereignty. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave/Springer Nature, 2018. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91881-5_8.
Cerdeira, L., M. L. Machado-Taylor, B. G Cabrito, Tomás Patrocínio, R. Brites, R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, et al.. Brain Drain And The Disenchantment Of Being A Higher Education Student In Portugal. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management 38. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management (2016): 68-77.
Cabrito, B. G, L. Cerdeira, Tomás Patrocínio, R. Brites, M. L. Machado-Taylor, R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, et al.. Brain Drain And The (Dis)Enchantment Of Being A Student Of Higher Education In Portugal. Inted2014 Proceedings – 8Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Inted2014 Proceedings – 8Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Valencia, Spain, 2014.
Santos, Sandra, Margarida Lucas, and Pedro Bem-haja. Bridging The Digital Gap: Tell Us What You Need. International Conferences Ict, Society And Human Beings 2022, Web Based Communities And Social Media 2022 And E-Health 2022. International Conferences Ict, Society And Human Beings 2022, Web Based Communities And Social Media 2022 And E-Health 2022. Lisboa: International Association for Development of the Information Society, 2022.
Salavisa, Isabel, Margarida Fontes, C. Sousa, and Pedro Videira. Building A Bridge: Social Networks And Technological Regimes In Biotechnology And Software. {DIN}Â{MIA}{\textquotesingle}{CET}-{IUL}, 2011. doi:10.7749/dinamiacet-iul.wp.2011.17.
Salavisa, Isabel, Margarida Fontes, C. Sousa, and Pedro Videira. Building A Bridge: Social Networks And Technological Regimes In Biotechnology And Software. {DIN}Â{MIA}{\textquotesingle}{CET}-{IUL}, 2011. doi:10.7749/dinamiacet-iul.wp.2011.17.
Salmi, Jamil, and Orlanda Tavares. The Business Of Cross-Border Higher Education. In Cross-Border Higher Education And Quality Assurance, 51–69. Cross-Border Higher Education And Quality Assurance. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. doi:10.1057/978-1-137-59472-3_3.
Cadime, Irene, Iolanda Ribeiro, F L Viana, Sandra Santos, and G Prieto. Calibration Of A Reading Comprehension Test For Portuguese Students. Anales De Psicología 30, no. 3. Anales De Psicología (2014): 1025-1034. doi:10.6018/analesps.30.3.172611.
Cardoso, Sónia, Orlanda Tavares, and Cristina Sin. Can You Judge A Book By Its Cover? Industrial Doctorates In Portugal. Higher Education, Skills And Work-Based Learning. Higher Education, Skills And Work-Based Learning (2019). doi:
Ganga, R., J. T Lopes, R. Gomes, Sílvia Silva, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, P. Peixoto, et al.. Cérebros Em Fuga – Retratos Da Emigração Qualificada Portuguesa. In Novas Subjetividades: Retratos De Objetos Emergentes, 67-90. Novas Subjetividades: Retratos De Objetos Emergentes. Viseu: Psicosoma, 2014.
Ganga, R., J. T Lopes, R. Gomes, Sílvia Silva, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, P. Peixoto, et al.. Cérebros Em Fuga – Retratos Da Emigração Qualificada Portuguesa. In Novas Subjetividades: Retratos De Objetos Emergentes, 67-90. Novas Subjetividades: Retratos De Objetos Emergentes. Viseu: Psicosoma, 2014.
Ganga, R., J. T Lopes, R. Gomes, Sílvia Silva, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, P. Peixoto, et al.. Cérebros Em Fuga – Retratos Da Emigração Qualificada Portuguesa. In Novas Subjetividades: Retratos De Objetos Emergentes, 67-90. Novas Subjetividades: Retratos De Objetos Emergentes. Viseu: Psicosoma, 2014.
Sarrico, Cláudia, and Carthage Smith. Challenges And New Demands On The Academic Research Workforce. In Oecd Science, Technology And Innovation Outlook 2021: Times Of Crisis And Opportunity. Oecd Science, Technology And Innovation Outlook 2021: Times Of Crisis And Opportunity. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2021. doi:
Sarrico, Cláudia, and Carthage Smith. Challenges And New Demands On The Academic Research Workforce. In Oecd Science, Technology And Innovation Outlook 2021: Times Of Crisis And Opportunity. Oecd Science, Technology And Innovation Outlook 2021: Times Of Crisis And Opportunity. Paris: OECD Publishing, 2021. doi:

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