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“Student Selection And Performance In Higher Education: Admission Exams Vs. High School Scores”. Education Economics 28. Education Economics (2020): 437–454. doi:
. “Student Selection And Performance In Higher Education: Admission Exams Vs. High School Scores”. Education Economics 28. Education Economics (2020): 437–454. doi:
. “Student-Centred Learning And Disciplinary Enculturation: An Exploration Through Physics”. Educational Studies 41. Educational Studies (2015): 351-368.
. “Students And Assessment Of The University: A Joint Study Brazil-Portugal | Estudantes E Avalia?Ão Da Universidade: Um Estudo Conjunto Brasil-Portugal”. Cadernos De Pesquisa 37. Cadernos De Pesquisa (2007): 661-686.
. “Students And Assessment Of The University: A Joint Study Brazil-Portugal | Estudantes E Avalia?Ão Da Universidade: Um Estudo Conjunto Brasil-Portugal”. Cadernos De Pesquisa 37. Cadernos De Pesquisa (2007): 661-686.
. “Students And Assessment Of The University: A Joint Study Brazil-Portugal | Estudantes E Avalia?Ão Da Universidade: Um Estudo Conjunto Brasil-Portugal”. Cadernos De Pesquisa 37. Cadernos De Pesquisa (2007): 661-686.
. “Students In Higher Education Governance: The Portuguese Case”. Tertiary Education And Management 17. Tertiary Education And Management (2011): 233-246.
. “Students' Perceptions On The Influence Of Institutional Evaluation On Universities”. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education 31. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education (2006): 625-638.
. “Students' Perceptions On The Influence Of Institutional Evaluation On Universities”. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education 31. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education (2006): 625-638.
. “The Study Of Academic Job Satisfaction And Motivation: An Ongoing Study In Portuguese Higher Education”. Global Business & Economics Anthology (Gbea) II, no. 2. Global Business & Economics Anthology (Gbea) (2010): 242-246.
. “Study Protocol: Using The Q-Steps To Assess And Improve The Quality Of Physical Activity Programmes For The Elderly”. Bmc Research Notes 5. Bmc Research Notes (2012).
. “Study Protocol: Using The Q-Steps To Assess And Improve The Quality Of Physical Activity Programmes For The Elderly”. Bmc Research Notes 5. Bmc Research Notes (2012).
. “Subject Mix And Productivity In Portuguese Universities”. European Journal Of Operational Research 197. European Journal Of Operational Research (2009): 287-295. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.06.003.
. “Supply Chain Quality Management In Education”. Int J Qual {&} Reliability Mgmt 33. Int J Qual {&} Reliability Mgmt (2016): 499–517. doi:10.1108/ijqrm-11-2014-0181.
. “Supply Chain Quality Management In Education”. Int J Qual {&} Reliability Mgmt 33. Int J Qual {&} Reliability Mgmt (2016): 499–517. doi:10.1108/ijqrm-11-2014-0181.
. “Survival Analysis And Competing Risk Models Of Hospital Length Of Stay And Discharge Destination: The Effect Of Distributional Assumptions”. Health Services And Outcomes Research Methodology 7. Health Services And Outcomes Research Methodology (2007): 109-124.
. “Third Mission Activities: University Managers\Textquotesingle Perceptions On Existing Barriers”. European Journal Of Higher Education 5. European Journal Of Higher Education (2015): 316–330. doi:10.1080/21568235.2015.1044544.
. “Thyroid Papillary Microcarcinoma: An Incidental Finding In A Patient With Coronoid Hyperplasia”. British Medical Journal Case Reports. British Medical Journal Case Reports (2015). doi:doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-212628.
. “Tornar-Se Jovem Ou Estudante: Um Desafio Desenvolvimental [Becoming Young Or A Student: A Developmental Challenge]”. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia 47, no. 2. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia (2013): 65-84.
. “Towards A Conceptual Model For Assessing The Quality Of Public Services”. International Review On Public And Nonprofit Marketing 7. International Review On Public And Nonprofit Marketing (2010): 69-86.
. “Towards The University Entrepreneurial Mission: Portuguese Academics’ Self-Perspective Of Their Role In Knowledge Transfer”. Journal Of Further And Higher Education 42, no. 6. Journal Of Further And Higher Education (2017): 784-796. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2017.1311998.
. “Towards The University Entrepreneurial Mission: Portuguese Academics’ Self-Perspective Of Their Role In Knowledge Transfer”. Journal Of Further And Higher Education 42, no. 6. Journal Of Further And Higher Education (2017): 784-796. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2017.1311998.
. “The Transformation Of Doctoral Education: A Systematic Literature Review”. Higher Education. Higher Education (2022).
. “The Transformation Of Doctoral Education: A Systematic Literature Review”. Higher Education. Higher Education (2022).
. “Transforming Professional Bureaucracies In Hospitals And Higher Education Institutions”. Research In The Sociology Of Organizations 45. Research In The Sociology Of Organizations (2016): 243-269.