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“Hopes, Beliefs, And Concerns: Narratives In German And Portuguese Universities Regarding Brexit”. Higher Education. Higher Education (2019): 1-18. .
. “Higher Education (Related) Choices In Portugal: Joint Decisions On Institution Type And Leaving Home”. Studies In Higher Education 36. Studies In Higher Education (2011): 689-703.
. “Higher Education Reforms In Romania. Between The Bologna Process And National Challenges”. European Journal Of Higher Education 5. European Journal Of Higher Education (2015): 445–448. doi:10.1080/21568235.2015.1044553.
. “Higher Education Reform In Portugal: A Historical And Comparative Perspective Of The New Legal Framework For Public Universities”. Higher Education Policy 26, no. 1. Higher Education Policy (2013): 5-24.
. “Higher Education As A Promoter Of Soft Skills In A Sustainable Society 5.0”. Journal Of Curriculum And Teaching 11, no. 4. Journal Of Curriculum And Teaching (2022): 1-12.
. “Higher Education As A Promoter Of Soft Skills In A Sustainable Society 5.0”. Journal Of Curriculum And Teaching 11, no. 4. Journal Of Curriculum And Teaching (2022): 1-12.
. “Higher Education And Its Contribution To A Diverse Regional Supply Of Human Capital: Does The Binary/Unitary Divide Matters?”. Higher Education 75. Higher Education (2018): 209-230. doi:10.1007/s10734-017-0132-2.
. “Growth, Stability And Predictors Of Word Reading Accuracy In European Portuguese: A Longitudinal Study From Grade 1 To Grade 4.”. Current Psychology. Current Psychology (2019): Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s12144-019-00473-w.
. “Graduate Employment: Does The Type Of Higher Education Institution Matter?”. Bulletin Of Economic Research. Bulletin Of Economic Research (2023): 1-17.
. “Graduate Employment: Does The Type Of Higher Education Institution Matter?”. Bulletin Of Economic Research. Bulletin Of Economic Research (2023): 1-17.
. “Governance Of Governance In Higher Education: Practices And Lessons Drawn From The Portuguese Case”. Higher Education Quarterly 67, no. 3. Higher Education Quarterly (2013): 295-311.
. “The Global Crisis Brought About By Sars-Cov-2 And Its Impacts On Education: An Overview Of The Portuguese Panorama”. Science Insights Education Frontiers 7, no. 1. Science Insights Education Frontiers (2020): 1-6. doi:10.15354/sief.20.ar039.
. “The Global Crisis Brought About By Sars-Cov-2 And Its Impacts On Education: An Overview Of The Portuguese Panorama”. Science Insights Education Frontiers 7, no. 1. Science Insights Education Frontiers (2020): 1-6. doi:10.15354/sief.20.ar039.
. “Gestion Stratégique Des Effectifs: Un Outil Pour Améliorer La Satisfaction Et La Réussite Des Étudiants Au Portugal [Strategic Enrolment Management: Improving Student Satisfaction And Success In Portugal]”. Politiques Et Gestion De L’enseignement Supérieur 20, no. 1. Politiques Et Gestion De L’enseignement Supérieur (2008): 141-160. doi:1–20. doi:10.1787/hemp-v20-art7-fr.
. “Gestion Stratégique Des Effectifs: Un Outil Pour Améliorer La Satisfaction Et La Réussite Des Étudiants Au Portugal [Strategic Enrolment Management: Improving Student Satisfaction And Success In Portugal]”. Politiques Et Gestion De L’enseignement Supérieur 20, no. 1. Politiques Et Gestion De L’enseignement Supérieur (2008): 141-160. doi:1–20. doi:10.1787/hemp-v20-art7-fr.
. “Género, Profissões E Carreiras: Oportunidades, Constrangimentos E Desafios: Uma Nota Introdutória”. Ex Æquo 33. Ex Æquo (2016): 11–15. doi:
. “Gender Mainstreaming In The Enlarged European Union: Recent Developments In The European Employment Strategy And Social Inclusion Process”. Industrial Relations Journal 36. Industrial Relations Journal (2005): 568-591.
. “Gender (Im)Balance In The Pool Of Graduate Talent: The Portuguese Case”. Tertiary Education And Management 28. Tertiary Education And Management (2022): 155–170. doi:
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.