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“Portuguese Higher Education: More Competition And Less Market Regulation?”. In Higher Education And The Market, 98-109. Higher Education And The Market. London: Routledge, 2011. doi:10.4324/9780203849002.
. “Portuguese Higher Education: More Competition And Less Market Regulation?”. In Higher Education And The Market, 98–109. Higher Education And The Market. New York: Routledge, 2010.
. “Portuguese Higher Education Student’s Costs: Two Decades View”. In Investigaciones De La Economía De La Educación, 489-501. Investigaciones De La Economía De La Educación, 2012.
. “The Portuguese Higher Education System”. In Portugal: Economic, Political And Social Issues, 17-40. Portugal: Economic, Political And Social Issues. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2012.
. “The Portuguese Public University System: On The Road To Improvement?”. In Universities And Strategic Knowledge Creation: Specialization And Performance In Europe, 347-375. Universities And Strategic Knowledge Creation: Specialization And Performance In Europe. Cheltenham, UK / Northampton, USA: Edward Elgar Publications, 2007.
. “A Portuguese Tale On Knowledge-Based Society: Narrowing Bonds Between Higher Education And The Innovation System”. In Universities In The Knowledge Society. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession In International Comparative Perspective. Vol. 22. T. Aarrevaara, M. Finkelstein, G. A. Jones, J. Jung. Universities In The Knowledge Society. The Changing Academy – The Changing Academic Profession In International Comparative Perspective. Springer Cham, 2021. doi:
. “Prefácio”. In Análise Dos Sistemas De Educação Superior No Brasil E Portugal, 7–14. Análise Dos Sistemas De Educação Superior No Brasil E Portugal. Porto Alegre: ediPUCRS, 2012.
. “Private And For-Profit Higher Education In Europe: Current Patterns And Regulatory Challenges”. In Research Handbook On Quality, Performance And Accountability In Higher Education, 94-107. Research Handbook On Quality, Performance And Accountability In Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
. “Private Higher Education: A Long History And A Recent Expansion”. In Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges, 3-20. Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-94-6300-911-9_1.
. “A Problemática Do Insucesso No Ensino Superior”. In Sucesso E Insucesso No Ensino Superior Português, Seminários E Colóquios. Sucesso E Insucesso No Ensino Superior Português, Seminários E Colóquios. Lisboa: CNE, 2002.
. “Professional Autonomy In A Comparative Perspective”. In Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society, 30–63. Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. doi:10.1057/9781137487001_3.
. “Professionalism And Knowledge”. In The Routledge Companion To The Professions And Professionalism, 144-157. M. Dent, I. Bourgeault, J. Denis, E. Kuhlmann . The Routledge Companion To The Professions And Professionalism. Routledge , 2016.
. “Public And Private Higher Education In Europe: Competition, Complementarity Or Worlds Apart?”. In Knowledge, Diversity And Performance In European Higher Education: A Changing Landscape, 84-105. Knowledge, Diversity And Performance In European Higher Education: A Changing Landscape, 2014. doi:10.4337/9781783472000.00009.
. “Public Management, New Governance Models And Changing Environments In Portuguese Higher Education”. In Public Vices, Private Virtues? Assessing The Effects Of Marketization In Higher Education , 2:177–192. Public Vices, Private Virtues? Assessing The Effects Of Marketization In Higher Education . Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2011. doi:10.1007/978-94-6091-466-9_9.
. “Percepção Dos Estilos Educativos Parentais: Sua Variação Ao Longo Da Adolescência”. In Actas Del Xi Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués De Psicopedagogía. Actas Del Xi Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués De Psicopedagogía. Facultade de Ciencias da Educación, Universidade da Coruña, 7-9 de setembro, 2011.
. “Performance Indicators For Applied Research And Cultural Creation Activities In Polytechnic Higher Education Institutions: A Consensus Building Approach”. In Eair 38Th Annual Forum. Eair 38Th Annual Forum, 2016.
. “Performance Indicators For Applied Research? Developing An Instrument For Positioning Polytechnic Higher Education Institutions”. In 37Th Eair Annual Forum Krems 2015 “From Here To There: Positioning Higher Education Institutions”. 37Th Eair Annual Forum Krems 2015 “From Here To There: Positioning Higher Education Institutions”, 2015.
. “Performance Management In The Portuguese Higher Education System: Main Patterns And Trends”. In Cher 29Th Annual Conference. Cher 29Th Annual Conference, 2016.
. “Performance Management Systems In Higher Education: A Comparative Study Between The Uk And Portugal”. In Pma Symposium 2013. Pma Symposium 2013. Loch Lomond (Escócia), 25-27 de junho, 2013.
. “Performance Management Systems In Universities: Do Governance Structures Matter?”. In Pma 2014 Conference. Pma 2014 Conference, 2014.
. “Planos De Igualdade De Género Nas Instituições De Ensino Superior Em Portugal: A Remar Contra A Corrente? ”. In Xi Congresso Português De Sociologia: Identidades Ao Rubro: Diferenças, Pertenças E Populismos Num Mundo Efervescente. Xi Congresso Português De Sociologia: Identidades Ao Rubro: Diferenças, Pertenças E Populismos Num Mundo Efervescente. Online Conference: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, 2021.
. “The Portuguese Wine In International Markets”. In Xxiii World Congress Of Vine And Wine And The 78Th General Assembly Of The International Organisation Of Vine And Wine (Oiv). Xxiii World Congress Of Vine And Wine And The 78Th General Assembly Of The International Organisation Of Vine And Wine (Oiv). Lisboa (Portugal), Centro Cultural de Belém, June 23-26, 1998.
. “Promoting Oracy In Kindergarten”. In International Research Seminar On Focus On Oracy Of The Special Interest Group Reading & Writing & Oracy Of Arle. International Research Seminar On Focus On Oracy Of The Special Interest Group Reading & Writing & Oracy Of Arle. Leiden, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 2018.
. “The Public Policy Process In University Internationalization: A Literlature Review.”. In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021. doi: .
. “Public Sector Reform: The State Of Performance Management In Portugal”. In 16Th Irspm Conference. 16Th Irspm Conference. Roma (Itália), 11-13 de abril, 2012.