Ana I. Melo
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First name:
Ana I.
Last name:
Doctoral Degree
Degree title:
PhD in Social Sciences (European PhD), in the area of performance management in higher education
Graduation year:
University of Aveiro
University of Aveiro
Research interests:
Performance measurement and management, particularly in higher education; measurement and management of sustainability, namely in higher education; public management and governance structures; and territorial innovation systems, with special emphasis on the role played by higher education institutions in development-oriented innovation.
Biographical note:
Ana I. Melo holds an European PhD in Social Sciences and a MSc and a BSc in Economics from the University of Coimbra.
She is currently an associate professor at ESTGA – School of Technology and Management, University of Aveiro, where she lectures several courses in the areas of management (strategic management, quality management and evaluation of public services, and financial maths), economics (macroeconomics), and social sciences (policies, organisation and management of higher education), both at undergraduate and graduate levels.
She is an integrated researcher at CIPES – Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies and an external researcher at the Research Unit for Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP). Her current research interests lie in the areas of: performance measurement and management, particularly in higher education; measurement and management of sustainability, namely in higher education; public management and governance structures; and territorial innovation systems, with special emphasis on the role played by higher education institutions in development-oriented innovation.
Her publications include articles in journals such as Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, Public Management Review, International Journal of Public Sector Management, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, European Planning Studies and Sustainability. She is also the editor of books and co-author of chapters edited by Palgrave and Springer, and the editor of special issues in journals.
Alternative email:
CORDIS Keywords:
Social and Economic concerns
Education, Training
Economic aspects
CIPES Status:
Integrated researcher