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“Job Satisfaction And Changes In Workplace: The Case Of Academic Staff In Portuguese Higher Education”. Coimbra Business Review 1. Coimbra Business Review (2015): 27-35.
. “International Students In Portuguese Higher Education: Who Are They And What Are Their Choices?”. Studies In Higher Education. Studies In Higher Education (2021).
. “International Students In Portuguese Higher Education: Who Are They And What Are Their Choices?”. Studies In Higher Education. Studies In Higher Education (2021): 1-14.
. “An Initial Study Of The Internal Validity Of The Portuguese Adaptation Of The Marital Social- Skills Inventory”. Psychological Studies 35, no. 3. Psychological Studies (2018): 275-285.
. “Inbreeding And Research Collaborations In Portuguese Higher Education”. Higher Education Quarterly. Higher Education Quarterly (2021). doi:10.1111/hequ.12301.
. “Higher Education, Human Capital, And Regional Dynamics In Southern Europe”. Advances In Spatial Science. Advances In Spatial Science (2017): 323-344. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-49818-8_14.
. “Higher Education And Its Contribution To A Diverse Regional Supply Of Human Capital: Does The Binary/Unitary Divide Matters?”. Higher Education 75. Higher Education (2018): 209-230. doi:10.1007/s10734-017-0132-2.
. “Gestion Stratégique Des Effectifs: Un Outil Pour Améliorer La Satisfaction Et La Réussite Des Étudiants Au Portugal [Strategic Enrolment Management: Improving Student Satisfaction And Success In Portugal]”. Politiques Et Gestion De L’enseignement Supérieur 20, no. 1. Politiques Et Gestion De L’enseignement Supérieur (2008): 141-160. doi:1–20. doi:10.1787/hemp-v20-art7-fr.
. “Gender Pay Gaps And The Restructuring Of Graduate Labour Markets In Southern Europe”. Cambridge Journal Of Economics 39. Cambridge Journal Of Economics (2015): 565-598. doi:10.1093/cje/bev008.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “Gender Equality And Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study”. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology 53, no. 2. Journal Of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2022): 157-178.
. “From Portugal To Europe. A Micro-Level Sociology Of Scientific Migration In Times Of Eurozone Crisis”. Migraciones Internacionales. Migraciones Internacionales (2017).
. “Formação De Professores De Ensino Superior Para A Gestão: Perspectivas E Consequências.”. Revista De Administração Faces 16, no. 4. Revista De Administração Faces (2018): 66–84. doi:
. “The European University Landscape: A Micro Characterization Based On Evidence From The Aquameth Project”. Research Policy 40, no. 1. Research Policy (2011): 148-164.
. “The European University Landscape: A Micro Characterization Based On Evidence From The Aquameth Project”. Research Policy 40, no. 1. Research Policy (2011): 148-164.
. “The European University Landscape: A Micro Characterization Based On Evidence From The Aquameth Project”. Research Policy 40, no. 1. Research Policy (2011): 148-164.
. “European Universities As Complete Organizations? Understanding Identity, Hierarchy And Rationality In Public Organizations”. Public Management Review 17. Public Management Review (2015): 1444-1474.
. “Envolvimentos No Trabalho E Na Família: Estudo De Caso Com Mães Trabalhadoras Na Função Pública”. Pensando Famílias 24, no. 2. Pensando Famílias (2021): 147-160.