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Bertolin, J., Alberto Amaral, and L. Almeida. Os Cursos De Graduação Podem Compensar A Falta De Capital Cultural E Background De Estudantes?. Educação E Pesquisa 45. Educação E Pesquisa (2019). doi:
Bertolin, J., Alberto Amaral, and L. Almeida. Os Cursos De Graduação Podem Compensar A Falta De Capital Cultural E Background De Estudantes?. Educação E Pesquisa 45. Educação E Pesquisa (2019). doi:
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Soares, Diana, and L. Almeida. Percepção Dos Estilos Educativos Parentais: Sua Variação Ao Longo Da Adolescência. In Actas Del Xi Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués De Psicopedagogía. Actas Del Xi Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugués De Psicopedagogía. Facultade de Ciencias da Educación, Universidade da Coruña, 7-9 de setembro, 2011.
Soares, Diana, L. Almeida, and António G Ferreira. Percursos Vocacionais E Vivências Académicas: O Caso Dos Alunos Maiores De 23 Anos. Psicologia, Educação E Cultura XIV, no. 1. Psicologia, Educação E Cultura (2010): 203-214.
Dyson, R.G., R. Allen, A.S. Camanho, Victor V Podinovski, Cláudia Sarrico, and E.A. Shale. Pitfalls And Protocols In Dea. European Journal Of Operational Research 132. European Journal Of Operational Research (2001): 245-259.
Veiga, L.G., and Alberto Amaral. Policy Implementation Tools And European Governance. In European Integration And The Governance Of Higher Education And Research, 26:133-157. European Integration And The Governance Of Higher Education And Research. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009.
Veiga, L.G., and Alberto Amaral. Policy Implementation Tools And European Governance. In European Integration And The Governance Of Higher Education And Research, 26:133-157. European Integration And The Governance Of Higher Education And Research. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, L.G. Veiga, and Alberto Amaral. Portugal. In On Cooperation And Competition, 139-164. On Cooperation And Competition. Bonn: Lemmens, 2004.
Amaral, Alberto, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and D. Tavares. Portugal. In The Rising Role And Relevance Of Private Higher Education In Europe, 313-334. The Rising Role And Relevance Of Private Higher Education In Europe. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2007.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Portugal, Da Autonomia À Interferência Do Estado. In Universidade No Mundo – Universidade Em Questão, 2:353-374. Universidade No Mundo – Universidade Em Questão. Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2004.
Amaral, Alberto, and M. Fonseca. Portugal: Higher Education And Lifelong Education In Portugal. In Global Perspectives On Higher Education And Lifelong Learners, 82-96. Global Perspectives On Higher Education And Lifelong Learners. London & New York: Routledge, 2012.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Portugal: Professional And Academic Accreditation – The Impossible Marriage?. In Accreditation And Evaluation In The European Higher Education Area, 348-371. Accreditation And Evaluation In The European Higher Education Area. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Amaral, Alberto, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and M. Fonseca. The Portuguese Case: Can Institutions Move To Quality Enhancement. In Enhancing Quality In Higher Education: International Perspectives, 141-152. Enhancing Quality In Higher Education: International Perspectives. London: Routledge, 2013.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, and Alberto Amaral. The Portuguese Case: New Public Management Reforms And The European Standards And Guidelines. In Drivers And Barriers To Achieving Quality In Higher Education, 153-166. Drivers And Barriers To Achieving Quality In Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2014.

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