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Antunes, Maria João, Teresa Medina, João Caramelo, António Magalhães, and Manuela Ferreira. Ciências Da Educação Em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos De Intervenção E Profissionalidades. Ciências Da Educação Em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos De Intervenção E Profissionalidades. Ciências Da Educação Em Portugal: Saberes, Contextos De Intervenção E Profissionalidades. Porto: Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto, 2019.
Azevedo, C. Higher Education Students In The Uk: A Future Of Possibilities Or A Lonely Road?. In 1St Scuola Democratica International Conference. 1St Scuola Democratica International Conference. Cagliari, Italy, 2019.
Bakthavatchaalam, V. P, M. Miles, Maria José Sá, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and J. Gingele. Gender And Research Productivity Of Academics In South India’s Higher Education Institutions. 2Nd International Conference On Gender Research. 2Nd International Conference On Gender Research. Rome: ICGR, 2019.
Bertolin, J., Alberto Amaral, and L. Almeida. Os Cursos De Graduação Podem Compensar A Falta De Capital Cultural E Background De Estudantes?. Educação E Pesquisa 45. Educação E Pesquisa (2019). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1678-4634201945185453.
Cardoso, Sónia, Maria João e Ma Rosa, Pedro Videira, and Alberto Amaral. Internal Quality Assurance: A New Culture Or Added Bureaucracy?. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education 44, no. 2. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education (2019): 249-262. doi:10.1080/02602938.2018.1494818.
Cardoso, Sónia, Orlanda Tavares, and Cristina Sin. Reinventing Doctoral Education Through University-Industry Collaboration: The Case Of Industrial Doctorates In Portugal. 13Th Annual International Technology, Education And Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 11-13 March, 2019. 13Th Annual International Technology, Education And Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 11-13 March, 2019, 2019. doi:10.21125/inted.2019.
Cardoso, Sónia, Teresa Carvalho, and Pedro Videira. Is It Still Worth Working In Academia? The Views From Portuguese Academics. Higher Education Policy 32, no. 4. Higher Education Policy (2019): 663-679. doi:10.1057/s41307-018-0123-7.
Cardoso, Sónia, Orlanda Tavares, and Cristina Sin. Can You Judge A Book By Its Cover? Industrial Doctorates In Portugal. Higher Education, Skills And Work-Based Learning. Higher Education, Skills And Work-Based Learning (2019). doi:https://doi.org/10.1108/HESWBL-05-2018-0056.
Carvalho, Teresa, and Pedro Videira. Losing Autonomy? Restructuring Higher Education Institutions Governance And Relations Between Teaching And Non-Teaching Staff. Studies In Higher Education 44, no. 4. Studies In Higher Education (2019): 762-773. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2017.1401059.
Cerdeira, L., and M. L. Machado-Taylor. O Ensino Superior Português E A Busca De Fontes Alternativas De Financiamento. In Educação Superior E Conhecimento No Centenário Da Reforma De Córdoba: Novos Olhares Em Contextos Emergentes, 7:59-72. Educação Superior RIES/PRONEX/ CNPq/FAPERGS – Programa Núcleo de Excelência em Pesquisa. Educação Superior E Conhecimento No Centenário Da Reforma De Córdoba: Novos Olhares Em Contextos Emergentes. Porto Alegre: EDIPucrs, 2019.
Diogo, Sara, Milka Barbosa, and Teresa Carvalho. An International Comparative Perspective On Higher Education Institutions’ Governance And Management—Portugal, Finland, And Brazil. In Intercultural Studies In Higher Education: Policy And Practice.. Intercultural Studies In Higher Education: Policy And Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan., 2019.
Diogo, Sara, Milka Barbosa, and Teresa Carvalho. An International Comparative Perspective On Higher Education Institutions’ Governance And Management – Portugal, Finland, And Brazil. In Intercultural Studies In Higher Education, 109–133. A. Moreira, P. Jen-Jacques, N. Bagnall . Intercultural Studies In Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., 2019. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15758-6_5.
Figueiredo, Hugo. Over-Skilling, Under-Skilling And Higher Education. Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Springer, 2019.
Miguéis, Vera, Sónia Cardoso, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Sarsfield J. Cabral. Quality Assurance Of Doctoral Education In Portugal: A Retrospective Of The First Accreditation Cycle.. 11Th Annual International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. 11Th Annual International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. Palma de Mallorca (Spain): EDUlearn, 2019.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, Sónia Cardoso, and Pedro Videira. Is Accreditation ‘On The Right Track’? The Views Of Portuguese Academics. Tertiary Education And Management. Tertiary Education And Management (2019): 1-13.
Sá, Maria José, Carlos Miguel Ferreira, and Sandro Serpa. Virtual And Face-To-Face Academic Conferences: Comparison And Potentials. Journal Of Educational And Social Research 9, no. 5. Journal Of Educational And Social Research (2019): 35-47.
Sá, Maria José, Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor, and Teresa Carvalho. O Ensino Superior Em Portugal: O Impulso De Bolonha E Os Desafios Presentes E Futuros. In Ensino Superior No Brasil E Em Portugal: Atualidades, Questões E Inquietações , 45-69. B. G. Cabrito, J. S. Macedo, L. Cerdeira. Ensino Superior No Brasil E Em Portugal: Atualidades, Questões E Inquietações . Lisboa: Educa , 2019. https://bibliografia.bnportugal.gov.pt/bnp/bnp.exe/registo?1997823.
Sá, Maria José, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and E. Sá. Does Gender Matter When Defining Higher Education Student Success? Evidence From Portugal. 2Nd International Conference On Gender Research. 2Nd International Conference On Gender Research. Rome: ACPI, 2019.
Sá, Maria José, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and Teresa Carvalho. “Learning To Fly”. Higher Education Students’ And Institutional Leaders’ Perceptions Of The Relevance Of Institutional Support Mechanisms In Their Integration Process. In The Three C-S Of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration And Complementarity, 151-166. The Three C-S Of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration And Complementarity. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2019.
Sá, Maria José, Carlos Miguel Ferreira, and Sandro Serpa. (Un)Professionalisation Or (Re)Professionalisation Of The Academic In The Brave New World?. Postmodern Openings 10, no. 2. Postmodern Openings (2019): 84-113. doi:10.18662/po/73.
Santos, Ana Isabel, Carlos Miguel Ferreira, Maria José Sá, and Sandro Serpa. Reading On Paper And Scrolling Text On A Screen In Academic Learning. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies 8, no. 3. Academic Journal Of Interdisciplinary Studies (2019): 135-143.
Santos, Sandra, Irene Cadime, F L Viana, and Iolanda Ribeiro. Cross‐Lagged Relations Among Linguistic Skills In European Portuguese: A Longitudinal Study. Reading Research Quarterly Advance online publication. Reading Research Quarterly (2019). doi:10.1002/rrq.261.

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