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Ribeiro, Iolanda, F L Viana, Adriana Baptista, Celda Choupina, Helena Azevedo, Sandra Santos, Irene Cadime, and Joana Cruz. I Am Still Learning. A Web Platform For The Intervention In Reading Disabilities.. In 17Th European Conference On Developmental Psychology. 17Th European Conference On Developmental Psychology. Braga: Universidade do Minho., 2015.
Ribeiro, Iolanda, Miriam Esteves, Irene Cadime, F L Viana, Séli Chaves-Sousa, and Sandra Santos. Examining The Differences Between Disabled And Non-Disabled Readers In Three Reading Conditions.. In 17Th European Conference On Developmental Psychology. 17Th European Conference On Developmental Psychology. Braga: Universidade do Minho., 2015.
Rodrigues, Bruna, Irene Cadime, Sandra Santos, F L Viana, and Iolanda Ribeiro. The Influence Of Listening Comprehension, Word Recognition, And Oral Reading Fluency On Reading Comprehension: A Study With Second Graders.. In Vi Seminário De Investigação Em Psicologia Da Universidade Do Minho. Vi Seminário De Investigação Em Psicologia Da Universidade Do Minho. Braga: Universidade do Minho., 2015.
Sá, Maria José, Elisabete Ferreira, and K. Ramos. Saberes E Fazeres Docentes: Uma Reflexão Sobre Autonomia E Sucesso No Ensino Superior [Academics’ Knowing And Doing: A Reflection On Autonomy And Success In Higher Education]. Educação – Revista Da Faculdade De Educação Da Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul 38, no. 2. Educação – Revista Da Faculdade De Educação Da Pontifícia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul (2015): 280-288.
Santiago, Rui, Teresa Carvalho, and Andreia Ferreira. Changing Knowledge And The Academic Profession In Portugal. Higher Education Quarterly 69. Higher Education Quarterly (2015): 79-100.
Santiago, Rui, Teresa Carvalho, and Sofia Sousa. Npm Reforms And Professionals In Health And Higher Education In Portugal. International Journal Of Public Administration 38. International Journal Of Public Administration (2015): 757-768.
Santiago, Rui, and Teresa Carvalho. Introduction. In Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society, 1–12. Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. doi:10.1057/9781137487001_1.
Santos, Sandra, F L Viana, Iolanda Ribeiro, G Prieto, Sara Brandão, and Irene Cadime. Development Of Listening Comprehension Tests With Narrative And Expository Texts For Portuguese Students. The Spanish Journal Of Psychology 18. The Spanish Journal Of Psychology (2015). doi:10.1017/sjp.2015.7.
Santos, Sandra, Iolanda Ribeiro, F L Viana, Irene Cadime, and Séli Chaves-Sousa. Bal – Bateria De Avaliação Da Leitura: Caracterização E Contributos Para A Avaliação Da Leitura. In Ix Congresso Ibero-Americano De Psicologia / 2º Congresso Da Ordem Dos Psicólogos. Ix Congresso Ibero-Americano De Psicologia / 2º Congresso Da Ordem Dos Psicólogos. Lisboa: Centro Cultural de Belém, 2015.
Santos, Sandra, F L Viana, Iolanda Ribeiro, G Prieto, Sara Brandão, and Irene Cadime. Development Of Listening Comprehension Tests With Narrative And Expository Texts For Portuguese Students. The Spanish Journal Of Psychology 18, no. E5. The Spanish Journal Of Psychology (2015): 1-7. doi:10.1017/sjp.2015.7.
Sarsfield Cabral, José António, AC Real, J Borges, and GV Jones. Partitioning The Grapevine Growing Season In The Douro Valley Of Portugal: Accumulated Heat Better Than Calendar Dates. International Journal Of Biometeorology 59, no. 8. International Journal Of Biometeorology (2015): 1045-1059. doi:10.1007/s00484-014-0918-1.
Saunders, M., and Cristina Sin. Middle Managers' Experience Of Policy Implementation And Mediation In The Context Of The Scottish Quality Enhancement Framework. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education 40. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education (2015): 135-150.
Silva, J. P, Ana Sofia Melo, B. Lopes, M. Costa, E. Brito, and G. P Dias. The Good, The Worthy And The Ugly: Higher Education, Internships And Unemployment. In 28Th Cher Conference. 28Th Cher Conference. Lisboa (Portugal), 7-9 de setembro, 2015.
Sin, Cristina. Higher Education Reforms In Romania. Between The Bologna Process And National Challenges. European Journal Of Higher Education 5. European Journal Of Higher Education (2015): 445–448. doi:10.1080/21568235.2015.1044553.
Sin, Cristina. Teaching And Learning: A Journey From The Nargins To The Core In European Higher Education Policy. In The European Higher Education Area, 325–341. The European Higher Education Area. Springer International Publishing, 2015. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20877-0_22.
Soares, Diana. Sucesso Escolar E Percursos Vocacionais Na Adolescência: Variáveis Pessoais E Contextuais. Universidade Do Minho. Universidade Do Minho. Universidade do Minho, 2015.
Soares, Diana. Compreender O (In)Sucesso Escolar Na Adolescência: A Convergência De Variáveis Pessoais E Contextuais. Cognição E Aprendizagem: Promoção Do Sucesso Escolar. Cognição E Aprendizagem: Promoção Do Sucesso Escolar, 2015.
Sousa, D. PB, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and L. VRocha Lamara. Impact Of Accreditation Programs And Quality Management In Public And Private Hospitals In Brazil And In The World: Study Of Integrative Review. Brazilian Journal Of Surgery And Clinical Research – Bjscr 13, no. 4. Brazilian Journal Of Surgery And Clinical Research – Bjscr (2015): 122-152.
Syed, A. Z., AP Venkata, and Rui Amaral Mendes. 'Dilated Odontoma': An Incidental Finding. British Medical Journal Case Reports. British Medical Journal Case Reports (2015). doi:10.1136/bcr-2015-212594.
Syed, A. Z., Rui Amaral Mendes, TM Alnakhli, and Andres Pinto. Thyroid Papillary Microcarcinoma: An Incidental Finding In A Patient With Coronoid Hyperplasia. British Medical Journal Case Reports. British Medical Journal Case Reports (2015). doi:doi: 10.1136/bcr-2015-212628.

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