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“Changes In Finnish And Portuguese Higher Education Governance: Comparing National And Institutional Responses To The Bologna Process And New Public Management”. Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), 2016.
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Do Que Se Fala Quando Se Fala De Educação Doutoral? As Perspetivas Das Universidades E Dos Doutorandos Portugueses.. Porto: EDULOG - Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo, 2022.
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“Avaliação Externa À Reforma Do Ensino Secundário Em São Tomé E Príncipe (2009-2016). (Relatório Final)”. Universidade De Aveiro. Universidade De Aveiro, 2017.
. “Public And Private School Grade Inflations Patterns In Secondary Education ”. IZA working papers, 2023.
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. “Women Rectors And Leadership Narratives: The Same Male Norm?”. Education Sciences 8, no. 2. Education Sciences (2018). doi:
. “Why Is It Difficult To Grasp The Impacts Of The Portuguese Quality Assurance System?”. European Journal Of Education 48, no. 3. European Journal Of Education (2013): 454–470. doi:10.1111/ejed.12040.
. “Waves Of (Dis)Satisfaction: Effects Of The Numerus Clausus System In Portugal”. European Journal Of Education 49, no. 1. European Journal Of Education (2014): 144–158. doi:10.1111/ejed.12042.
. “Validação De Um Instrumento De Avaliação Dos Fatores Promotores Da Motivação Para O Trabalho: Um Estudo Com Profissionais De Saúde Oncológica Portugueses”. Analise Psicologica 35. Analise Psicologica (2017): 231-245.
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. “The Transformation Of Doctoral Education: A Systematic Literature Review”. Higher Education. Higher Education (2022).
. “Towards The University Entrepreneurial Mission: Portuguese Academics’ Self-Perspective Of Their Role In Knowledge Transfer”. Journal Of Further And Higher Education 42, no. 6. Journal Of Further And Higher Education (2017): 784-796. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2017.1311998.
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. “Supra-National Accreditation, Trust And Institutional Autonomy”. Higher Education Management And Policy 21. Higher Education Management And Policy (2009): 1–18. doi:10.1787/hemp-21-5ksf24qcgm45.
. “Students' Choices In Portuguese Higher Education: Influences And Motivations”. European Journal Of Psychology Of Education 28. European Journal Of Psychology Of Education (2013): 437-451.
. “Steps Towards The Integration Of The Gender And Sex Dimension In R&I: The Case Of A Public University”. Education Sciences 13. Education Sciences (2022): 35.
. “Stairway To Employment? Internships In Higher Education”. Higher Education 72. Higher Education (2016): 703-721.