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Rosa, Maria João e Ma, P Saraiva, and H. Diz. The Development Of An Excellence Model For Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. Total Quality Management 12. Total Quality Management (2001): 1010-1017.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, and Alberto Amaral. The Portuguese Case: New Public Management Reforms And The European Standards And Guidelines. In Drivers And Barriers To Achieving Quality In Higher Education, 153-166. Drivers And Barriers To Achieving Quality In Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2014.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, and Alberto Amaral. A Self-Assessment Of Higher Education Institutions From The Perspective Of The Efqm Excellence Model. In Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Trends In Regulation, Translation And Transformation, 181-208. Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Trends In Regulation, Translation And Transformation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, Cláudia Sarrico, Isabel Machado, and Catarina Costa. On The Structure Of The European Standards And Guidelines For Internal Quality Assurance: Reflections Emerging From Their Implementation In Portugal. Positioning Higher Education Institutions: From Here To There. Positioning Higher Education Institutions: From Here To There (2016): 63-83.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, P Saraiva, and H. Diz. Excellence In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. Total Quality Management And Business Excellence 14. Total Quality Management And Business Excellence (2003): 189-197.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, D. Dias, and Alberto Amaral. Funding Allocation And Staff Management. A Portuguese Example. European Journal Of Education. European Journal Of Education (2009): 127-140. doi:10.1111/j.1465-3435.2008.01375.x.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, Ana Sofia Melo, Sandra Saúde, and I. Féria. Gerir O Desempenho No Ensino Superior: Pressupostos E Características. In Indicadores De Desempenho Para As Instituições De Ensino Superior Politécnico Investigação Aplicada, Criação Cultural E Impacto Regional, 21-33. Edições Sílabo, Lda. Indicadores De Desempenho Para As Instituições De Ensino Superior Politécnico Investigação Aplicada, Criação Cultural E Impacto Regional, 2017.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, Sónia Cardoso, D. Dias, and Alberto Amaral. The Eua Institutional Evaluation Programme: An Account Of Institutional Best Practices. Quality In Higher Education 17. Quality In Higher Education (2011): 369–386. doi:10.1080/13538322.2011.625207.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, Cláudia Sarrico, and Alberto Amaral. Implementing Quality Management Systems In Higher Education Institutions. In Quality Assurance And Management. Quality Assurance And Management. Croatia: INTECH, 2012.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, Sónia Cardoso, and Pedro Videira. Is Accreditation ‘On The Right Track’? The Views Of Portuguese Academics. Tertiary Education And Management. Tertiary Education And Management (2019): 1-13.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, Cláudia Sarrico, and Alberto Amaral. Academics' Perceptions On The Purposes Of Quality Assessment. Quality In Higher Education 18. Quality In Higher Education (2012): 349-366.
Rodrigues, Bruna, Irene Cadime, Sandra Santos, F L Viana, and Iolanda Ribeiro. The Influence Of Listening Comprehension, Word Recognition, And Oral Reading Fluency On Reading Comprehension: A Study With Second Graders.. In Vi Seminário De Investigação Em Psicologia Da Universidade Do Minho. Vi Seminário De Investigação Em Psicologia Da Universidade Do Minho. Braga: Universidade do Minho., 2015.
Rodrigues, Carlos, and Ana Sofia Melo. The Triple Helix Model As An Instrument Of Local Response To The Economic Crisis. European Planning Studies 20, no. 9. European Planning Studies (2012): 1483-1496.
Rodrigues, Carlos, and Ana Sofia Melo. Local Government, Innovation And Economic Recovery: Lessons From A Small Industrial Portuguese City. In Triple Helix Ix International Conference - “Silicon Valley: Global Model Or Unique Anomaly?”. Triple Helix Ix International Conference - “Silicon Valley: Global Model Or Unique Anomaly?”. Stanford (EUA), 11-14 de julho, 2011.
Rodrigues, Carlos, and Ana Sofia Melo. The Triple Helix Model As Inspiration Of Local Development Policies: An Experience-Based Perspective. In Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010. Regional Studies Association Annual International Conference 2010. Pécs (Hungary), 24-26 May, 2010.
Rodrigues, Bruna, Irene Cadime, Iolanda Ribeiro, F L Viana, Sandra Santos, Séli Chaves-Sousa, and Maria do Céu Cosme. Os Efeitos Da Descodificação, Da Compreensão Oral E Da Fluência De Leitura Na Compreensão Da Leitura: Um Estudo Longitudinal Com Alunos Do 1.º Ciclo Do Ensino Básico. In Ii Jornadas Internacionais De Leitura, Educação E Sucesso Escolar/Iii Jornadas Internacionais De Alfabetização. Ii Jornadas Internacionais De Leitura, Educação E Sucesso Escolar/Iii Jornadas Internacionais De Alfabetização. Braga: Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho, 2017.
Rodrigues, Carlos, and Ana Sofia Melo. The Triple Helix Model As Inspiration For Local Development Policies: An Experience-Based Perspective. International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research 37. International Journal Of Urban And Regional Research (2013): 1675-1687.
Rocha, Paula, Teresa Carvalho, and Carlos Rodrigues. External Link Activities And Academic Careers In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. . In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021. doi:
Rocha, V., P. Teixeira, and Ana Rita Biscaia. Mergers In European Higher Education: Financial Issues And Multiple Rationales. Higher Education Policy. Higher Education Policy (2018): 1-18. doi:10.1057/s41307-017-0076-2.
Ritzen, Jo, Annemarie Neeleman, and P. Teixeira. European Identity And The Learning Union. In A Second Chance For Europe, 223–244. A Second Chance For Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57723-4_8.
Ribeiro, Iolanda, F L Viana, Irene Cadime, and Sandra Santos. Promoting Oracy In Kindergarten. In International Research Seminar On Focus On Oracy Of The Special Interest Group Reading & Writing & Oracy Of Arle. International Research Seminar On Focus On Oracy Of The Special Interest Group Reading & Writing & Oracy Of Arle. Leiden, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, 2018.

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