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Book Chapter
Teixeira, P., Cláudia Sarrico, António Magalhães, L.G. Veiga, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Teresa Carvalho. Introduction. In Global Challenges, National Initiatives, And Institutional Responses. The Transformation Of Higher Education, 3–13. Global Challenges, National Initiatives, And Institutional Responses. The Transformation Of Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2016. doi:10.1007/978-94-6300-675-0_1.
Serpa, Sandro, Ana Isabel Santos, Carlos Miguel Ferreira, and Maria José Sá. Introduction. In Educational Processes And Social Analysis , 10-14. Educational Processes And Social Analysis . Hyderabad, Telangana: Avid Science, 2020.
Cardoso, Sónia, Maria João e Ma Rosa, Cristina Sin, and Orlanda Tavares. Introduction. In European Higher Education And The Internal Market: Tensions Between European Policy And National Sovereignty, 1-18. Sin, C., Tavares, O., Cardoso, S., and M.J. Rosa . European Higher Education And The Internal Market: Tensions Between European Policy And National Sovereignty. Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.
Meek, L., Leo Goedegebuure, Rui Santiago, and Teresa Carvalho. Introduction. In The Changing Dynamics Of Higher Education Middle Management, 1–14. The Changing Dynamics Of Higher Education Middle Management. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9163-5_1.
Musselin, Christine, and P. Teixeira. Introduction. In Reforming Higher Education: Public Policy Design And Implementation, 1-17. Reforming Higher Education: Public Policy Design And Implementation. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag, 2014. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7028-7_1.
Gornitzka, A., M. Kogan, and Alberto Amaral. Introduction. In Reform And Change In Higher Education: Analysing Policy Implementation, 1-14. Reform And Change In Higher Education: Analysing Policy Implementation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.
Bleiklie, Ivar, Christine Musselin, and Alberto Amaral. Introduction. In From Governance To Identity, 1-4. From Governance To Identity. Dordrecht: Springer, 2008.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., Virgílio Meira Soares, and U. Teichler. Introduction. In Challenges And Options: The Academic Profession In Europe, 1–8. Challenges And Options: The Academic Profession In Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45844-1_1.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, and Alberto Amaral. Introduction. In Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Contemporary Debates, 1-9. Quality Assurance In Higher Education. Contemporary Debates. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.
Amaral, Alberto. Introduction. In Equity Policies In Global Higher Education. Reducing Inequality And Increasing Participation And Attainment. Equity Policies In Global Higher Education. Reducing Inequality And Increasing Participation And Attainment. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
Teixeira, P., Sunwoong Kim, Pablo Landoni, and Zulfiqar Gilani. Introduction. In Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges, xi-xiv. Rethinking The Public-Private Mix In Higher Education. Global Trends And National Policy Challenges. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2017.
Santiago, Rui, and Teresa Carvalho. Introduction. In Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society, 1–12. Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. doi:10.1057/9781137487001_1.
Teixeira, P., B. Jongbloed, Alberto Amaral, and D. Dill. Introduction. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 1-12. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Neave, G., and Alberto Amaral. Introduction. On Exceptionalism: The Nation, A Generation And Higher Education, Portugal 1974-2009. In Higher Education In Portugal 1974-2009: A Nation, A Generation, 1-46. Higher Education In Portugal 1974-2009: A Nation, A Generation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2011.
Amaral, Alberto, Maria João e Ma Rosa, A. Rovio-Johansson, and D.F. Westerheijden. Introduction To Essays On Supportive Peer Review. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 7–16. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
Neave, G. Introduction To Issues In Higher Education. In Higher Education Policy: An International Comparative Perspective, v–vi. Higher Education Policy: An International Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Pergamon/Elsevier, 1994. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-042393-7.50004-3.
Amaral, Alberto, and António Magalhães. Introduction To The Handbook Of Higher Education Management And Governance. In Handbook Of Higher Education Management And Governance, 1-13. Handbook Of Higher Education Management And Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023. doi:10.4337/9781800888074.
Queluz, F. NF, L. Santis, and J. Aguiar. Inventário De Luto Traumático – Ilt/Br. In Medidas De Saúde Mental Em Pandemias. Medidas De Saúde Mental Em Pandemias. Vila Nova de Gaia: Juruá Editora, 2022.
J. Ferreira, Brites. Investigando O Currículo Em Tempos De Globalização: Tensões, Desafios E Interrogações. In Revistar Os Estudos Curriculares. Onde Estamos E Para Onde Vamos?, 77-86. Revistar Os Estudos Curriculares. Onde Estamos E Para Onde Vamos? Lisboa: AFIRSE Portugal, 2013.
Conference Paper
Ribeiro, Iolanda, F L Viana, Adriana Baptista, Celda Choupina, Helena Azevedo, Sandra Santos, Irene Cadime, and Joana Cruz. I Am Still Learning. A Web Platform For The Intervention In Reading Disabilities.. In 17Th European Conference On Developmental Psychology. 17Th European Conference On Developmental Psychology. Braga: Universidade do Minho., 2015.
Melo, Ana Sofia. Impacto Dos Estágios Curriculares Na Empregabilidade Dos Licenciados: A Visão Dos Stakeholders Internos. In Seminar “The Impact Of Internships On The Employability Of Graduates”. Seminar “The Impact Of Internships On The Employability Of Graduates”, 2014.
Jordão, Carina, Teresa Carvalho, and Sara Diogo. Implementing Gender Equality Plans Through An Action-Research Approach: Challenges And Resistances. In 19Th European Conference On Research Methodology For Business And Management Studies . 19Th European Conference On Research Methodology For Business And Management Studies . Online Conference: ACPI Ltd, 2020.
Rodrigues, Bruna, Irene Cadime, Sandra Santos, F L Viana, and Iolanda Ribeiro. The Influence Of Listening Comprehension, Word Recognition, And Oral Reading Fluency On Reading Comprehension: A Study With Second Graders.. In Vi Seminário De Investigação Em Psicologia Da Universidade Do Minho. Vi Seminário De Investigação Em Psicologia Da Universidade Do Minho. Braga: Universidade do Minho., 2015.
Viana, F L, Iolanda Ribeiro, Sandra Santos, AP Vale, and Pedro Albuquerque. Inventário De Reconhecimento De Palavras: Opções Metodológicas E Dados Psicométricos. In Xi Congresso Internacional Galego-Português De Psicopedagoxía. Xi Congresso Internacional Galego-Português De Psicopedagoxía. Corunha, Espanha: Universidade da Coruña, Faculdade de Ciencias da Educación, 2011.

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