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Marshall, Guy, Sheffield A Neave, and S. Lall. Imperial Institute Of Entomology. Bulletin Of Entomological Research 33. Bulletin Of Entomological Research (1942): 145. doi:10.1017/s0007485300026407.
Neave, G. Informatics And Education: A Challenge For The University. Higher Education Policy 2. Higher Education Policy (1989): 7–8. doi:10.1057/hep.1989.56.
Neave, G. Introduction To Issues In Higher Education. In Higher Education Policy: An International Comparative Perspective, v–vi. Higher Education Policy: An International Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Pergamon/Elsevier, 1994. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-042393-7.50004-3.
Amaral, Alberto. Institutional Identities And Isomorphic Pressures. Proceedings Of The Paris Oecd General Conference. Proceedings Of The Paris Oecd General Conference. October. Paris, France: OECD, 2002.
Teixeira, P., B. Jongbloed, Alberto Amaral, and D. Dill. Introduction. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 1-12. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Amaral, Alberto, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and L.G. Veiga. Institutional Internationalisation Strategies In A Context Of State Inefficiency. In On Cooperation And Competition Ii, 249-275. On Cooperation And Competition Ii. Bonn: Lemmens, 2005.
Gornitzka, A., M. Kogan, and Alberto Amaral. Introduction. In Reform And Change In Higher Education: Analysing Policy Implementation, 1-14. Reform And Change In Higher Education: Analysing Policy Implementation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.
Magalhães, António. A Identidade Do Ensino Superior: A Educação Superior E A Universidade. Revista Lusófona De Educação. Revista Lusófona De Educação (2006): 13-40.
Neave, G. On Incorporating The University. Higher Education Policy 19. Higher Education Policy (2006): 129-134.
Rosa, Maria João e Ma, A. Tavares, and Alberto Amaral. Institutional Consequences Of Quality Assessment. Quality In Higher Education 12. Quality In Higher Education (2006): 145-159.
Teixeira, P. An Interview With Jacob Mincer. In Jacob Mincer. A Pioneer Of Modern Labor Economics, 7–18. Jacob Mincer. A Pioneer Of Modern Labor Economics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. doi:10.1007/0-387-29175-x_2.
Veiga, L.G., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. The Internationalisation Of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. Higher Education Management 18, no. 1. Higher Education Management (2006): 113-128.
Amaral, Alberto, and António Magalhães. Implementation Of Higher Education Policies: A Portuguese Example. In Reform And Change In Higher Education. Analysing Policy Implementation, 117-134. Reform And Change In Higher Education. Analysing Policy Implementation. Dordrecht: Springer, 2007. doi:10.1007/1-4020-3411-3\_8.
Veiga, L.G., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. The Internationalisation Of Portuguese Higher Education. Higher Education Management And Policy 18, no. 1. Higher Education Management And Policy (2007): 105-120. doi:10.1787/hemp-v18-art6-en.
Amaral, Alberto, Maria João e Ma Rosa, A. Rovio-Johansson, and D.F. Westerheijden. Introduction To Essays On Supportive Peer Review. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 7–16. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Internationalisation, Trans-Nationalisation And Globalisation: Can Quality Mechanisms Be An Adequate Regulation Tool?. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 203–220. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. International Review Of The Portuguese Quality Assurance System. In Implementing And Using Quality Assurance: Strategy And Practice. A Selection Of Papers From The End European Quality Assurance Forum, 74–79. Implementing And Using Quality Assurance: Strategy And Practice. A Selection Of Papers From The End European Quality Assurance Forum. Brussels: EUA, 2008.
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Veiga, L.G., and Alberto Amaral. Implementing Bologna In Southern European Countries: Comparative Analysis Of Some Research Findings. Education For Chemical Engineers 3, no. 1. Education For Chemical Engineers (2008): 47-56.
Amaral, Alberto. Impacto Del Aseguramiento De La Calidad En La Eficacia Formativa. Calidad De Los Egresados, Responsabilidad Institucional Ineludible, Seminário Internacional. Calidad De Los Egresados, Responsabilidad Institucional Ineludible, Seminário Internacional. Santiago do Chile, 2010.
Ferreira, I., José António Sarsfield Cabral, and P Saraiva. An Integrated Framework Based On The Ecsi Approach To Link Mould Customers' Satisfaction And Product Design. Total Quality Management And Business Excellence 21. Total Quality Management And Business Excellence (2010): 1383-1401.

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