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Amaral, Alberto, Orlanda Tavares, Sónia Cardoso, and Cristina Sin. Shifting Institutional Boundaries Through Cross-Border Higher Education. Journal Of Studies In International Education 20. Journal Of Studies In International Education (2016): 48-60. doi:10.1177/1028315315587108.
Amaral, Alberto. State And Planning In Higher Education. In Springer Encyclopedia On Higher Education. Springer Encyclopedia On Higher Education. Dordrecht: Springer, 2018.
Amaral, Alberto, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and D. Tavares. Portugal. In The Rising Role And Relevance Of Private Higher Education In Europe, 313-334. The Rising Role And Relevance Of Private Higher Education In Europe. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2007.
Amaral, Alberto. The Academics: From Professionals To Employees. Scuola Democratica 3. Scuola Democratica (2021): 393-404.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Trans-National Accountability Initiatives: The Case Of The Eua Audits. In Accountability In Higher Education: Global Perspectives On Trust And Power, 203-220. Accountability In Higher Education: Global Perspectives On Trust And Power. New York: Routledge, 2011.
Amaral, Alberto, and António Magalhães. Market Competition, Public Good And Institutional Governance. Higher Education Management And Policy 19, no. 1. Higher Education Management And Policy (2007): 63-76. doi:10.1787/hemp-v19-art4-en.
Amaral, Alberto. A Vertente Da Internacionalização. Actas Do Seminário Avaliação E Acreditação. Actas Do Seminário Avaliação E Acreditação. Lisboa: Conselho Nacional de Avaliação do Ensino Superior, 2002.
Amaral, Alberto, and P. Teixeira. The Rise And Fall Of The Private Sector In Portuguese Higher Education. Higher Education Policy 13. Higher Education Policy (2000): 245-266. doi:10.1016/S0952-8733(00)00011-8.
Amaral, Alberto. Federal States And Local Policies In Higher Education. In Springer Encyclopedia On Higher Education. Springer Encyclopedia On Higher Education. Dordrecht: Springer, 2018.
Amaral, Alberto. Era And The Bologna Process: Implementation Problems And The Human Resource Factor. In Convergence Or Differentiation. Human Resources For Research In A Changing European Scenario, 13–54. Convergence Or Differentiation. Human Resources For Research In A Changing European Scenario. Napoli: Scripta Web, 2011.
Amaral, Alberto, and António Magalhães. Market Competition, Public Good, And State Interference. In Public-Private Dynamics In Higher Education. Expectations, Developments And Outcomes, 89-110. Public-Private Dynamics In Higher Education. Expectations, Developments And Outcomes. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2007. doi:10.14361/9783839407523-004.
Amaral, Alberto, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Portugal, Da Autonomia À Interferência Do Estado. In Universidade No Mundo – Universidade Em Questão, 2:353-374. Universidade No Mundo – Universidade Em Questão. Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2004.
Amaral, Alberto, and Teresa Carvalho. Autonomy And Change In Portuguese Higher Education. In Academic Freedom And University Institutional Responsibility In Portugal. Academic Freedom And University Institutional Responsibility In Portugal. Bologna: Bolonia University Press, 2004.
Amaral, Alberto. The Difficult Life Of Prophets And Seers. Higher Education Policy 26, no. 4. Higher Education Policy (2013): 463-478.
Amaral, Alberto, and L.G. Veiga. The Bologna Process: Commoditisation, Accreditation And The Implementation Gap. In The Common European Space Of Education, Science And Culture, 206-213. The Common European Space Of Education, Science And Culture. Chelyabinsk: Southern Ural State University, 2005.
Amaral, Alberto, Orlanda Tavares, and C. M Santos. Higher Education Reforms In Europe: A Comparative Perspective Of New Legal Frameworks In Europe. In European Higher Education At The Crossroads: Between The Bologna Process And National Reforms, 655–673. European Higher Education At The Crossroads: Between The Bologna Process And National Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-3937-6_35.
Amaral, Alberto. The Role Of Governments And Institutions: The Portuguese And The Brazilian Cases. Quality In Higher Education 1. Quality In Higher Education (1995): 249-256.

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