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Magalhães, António, L.G. Veiga, and Pedro Videira. Hard And Soft Managerialism In Portuguese Higher Education Governance. In The University As A Critical Institution?, 39–53. The University As A Critical Institution? Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-94-6351-116-2_3.
Magalhães, António, and Alberto Amaral. Portuguese Higher Education And The Imaginary Friend: The Stakeholders Role In Institutional Governance. European Journal Of Education 35, no. 4. European Journal Of Education (2000): 439-448.
Magalhães, António, and Stephen R Stoer. Performance, Citizenship And The Knowledge Society: A New Mandate For European Education Policy. Globalisation, Societies And Education 1, no. 1. Globalisation, Societies And Education (2010): 41-66. doi:10.1080/1476772032000061815.
Magalhães, António, and Alberto Amaral. Mapping Out Discourses On Higher Education Governance. In International Perspectives On The Governance Of Higher Education, 182–197. International Perspectives On The Governance Of Higher Education. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Magalhães, António, and Amélia Veiga. A Análise Do Discurso Como Teoria E Método Na Investigação Em Educação E Uma Proposta De Operacionalização. In Temas, Contextos E Desafios Metodológicos Da Investigação Qualitativa Em Educação, 431-457. Temas, Contextos E Desafios Metodológicos Da Investigação Qualitativa Em Educação. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2022. doi:10.14195/978-989-26-2235-4.
Magalhães, António, and L.G. Veiga. What About Education In Higher Education?. Higher Education: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues And Future Outlook. Higher Education: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues And Future Outlook (2013): 57-72.
Magalhães, António. De La Connaissance À Des Compétences. La Reconfiguration De L’éducation Dans L’enseignement Supérieur Européen. In L’approche Par Compétences Dans L’enseignment Supérieur, 109-126. Radja Bouzeriba, Hervé Cellier, Ali Kouadria. L’approche Par Compétences Dans L’enseignment Supérieur. Paris: L’ Harmathan, 2018.
Magalhães, António. Overview Of Higher Education (Portugal). In Bloomsbury Education And Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Education And Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury, 2021. doi:
Magalhães, António, and Amélia Veiga. Governance, Institutional Autonomy And Leadership In Portuguese Higher Education. In International Encyclopedia Of Education, 8:152-157. 4th ed. International Encyclopedia Of Education. Oxford: Elsevier, 2023. doi:
Magalhães, António, and Amélia Veiga. Models Of Higher Education Governance In Europe: From ‘Organised Anarchy’ To Business-Corporate Organisations. International Journal Of Film And Media Arts Vol. 7, no. 3. International Journal Of Film And Media Arts (2022).
Magalhães, António, L.G. Veiga, and Maria José Sá. Portugal: Portuguese Case-Study. Higher Education And Brexit: Current European Perspectives . Higher Education And Brexit: Current European Perspectives . London: Centre for Global Higher Education, 2018.
Magalhães, António, and L.G. Veiga. Reconfiguring Education And Research In The European Higher Education Area. Revista Lusófona De Educação no. 42. Revista Lusófona De Educação (2018): 11-25.
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Matias, M., J. Aguiar, and et al.. Profiles Of Parental Burnout Around The Globe: Similarities And Differences Across 36 Countries. Cross Cultural Research 57, no. 5. Cross Cultural Research (2023). doi:10.1177/10693971231174551.

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