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Neave, G. Portugal: Laying Out The Higher Education Landscape. In The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe, 119–125. The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. doi:10.1057/9780230370227_9.
Neave, G. Dimensions Of Comparison. Higher Education Policy 14. Higher Education Policy (2001): 273-275.
Neave, G., and Andre-Paul Frognier. Book Reviews. Quality And Quantity 9. Quality And Quantity (1975): 277–279. doi:10.1007/bf00139644.
Neave, G. Editorial. Higher Education Policy 5. Higher Education Policy (1992): 9–11. doi:10.1057/hep.1992.64.
Neave, G. Burton R. Clark, 1921-2009. The Man, His Saga And His Times. London Review Of Education 8. London Review Of Education (2010): 209-216.
Neave, G. Access To Higher Education: An Overview. Higher Education Policy 2. Higher Education Policy (1989): 7–9. doi:10.1057/hep.1989.1.
Neave, G. Growing Pains: The Dearing Report From A European Perspective. Higher Education Quarterly 52. Higher Education Quarterly (1998): 118-136.
Neave, G. Redefining The Social Contract. Higher Education Policy 19. Higher Education Policy (2006): 269-286.
Neave, G. Education Systems Under Pressure - A Wider Perspective: The Planning Response Of Certain Western European Countries To The Demographic And Economic Crises. Educational Management Administration &Amp; Leadership 11. Educational Management Administration &Amp; Leadership (1983): 120-130.
Neave, G. A Word From The Editor. Higher Education Policy 9. Higher Education Policy (1996): 1-2.
Neave, G. A Flight Over The Evolving Evaluative State. In The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe, 191–203. The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. doi:10.1057/9780230370227_14.
Neave, G. The Vision Of Reform - The Form Of Resistance. Higher Education Policy 17. Higher Education Policy (2004): 237-240.
Neave, G. Managing Research Or Research Management?. Higher Education Policy 15. Higher Education Policy (2002): 217-224.
Neave, G. The Politics Of Quality: Developments In Higher Education In Western Europe 1992-1994. European Journal Of Education 29. European Journal Of Education (1994): 115. doi:10.2307/1561636.
Neave, G. Strengthening The Evaluative State: Strategy, Values And Rhetoric. In The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe, 80–91. The Evaluative State, Institutional Autonomy And Re-Engineering Higher Education In Western Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. doi:10.1057/9780230370227_6.
Neave, G. Editorial. Higher Education Policy 1. Higher Education Policy (1988): 7–9. doi:10.1057/hep.1988.72.
Neave, G. Organising For Leadership. Higher Education Policy 13. Higher Education Policy (2000): 331–334. doi:10.1057/palgrave.hep.8390246.
Neave, G., B. Stensaker, Jussi Välimaa, and Cláudia Sarrico, eds.. Change, Leverage, Suasion And Intent: An Historical Excursion Across Three Decades Of Change In Higher Education In Western Europe. In Managing Reform In Universities. The Dynamics Of Culture, Identity And Organisational Change, 19-40. Managing Reform In Universities. The Dynamics Of Culture, Identity And Organisational Change. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. doi:10.1057/9781137284297.0006.
Neave, G. On Preparing For Markets: Trends In Higher Education In Western Europe 1988-1990. European Journal Of Education 25. European Journal Of Education (1990): 105. doi:10.2307/1503083.
Neave, G. The Long Quest For Legitimacy: An Extended Gaze From Europe's Western Parts. In Private Higher Education In Post-Communist Europe, 27–53. Private Higher Education In Post-Communist Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. doi:10.1057/9780230604391_2.
Musselin, Christine, and P. Teixeira. Introduction. In Reforming Higher Education: Public Policy Design And Implementation, 1-17. Reforming Higher Education: Public Policy Design And Implementation. Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag, 2014. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7028-7_1.

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