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Figueiredo, Hugo, V. Rocha, Ana Rita Biscaia, and P. Teixeira. Gender Pay Gaps And The Restructuring Of Graduate Labour Markets In Southern Europe. Cambridge Journal Of Economics 39. Cambridge Journal Of Economics (2015): 565-598. doi:10.1093/cje/bev008.
Figueiredo, Hugo, Ana Rita Biscaia, V. Rocha, and P. Teixeira. Should We Start Worrying? Mass Higher Education, Skill Demand And The Increasingly Complex Landscape Of Young Graduates' Employment. Studies In Higher Education 42. Studies In Higher Education (2017): 1401–1420. doi:10.1080/03075079.2015.1101754.
Figueiredo, Hugo. Over-Skilling, Under-Skilling And Higher Education. Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Encyclopedia Of International Higher Education Systems And Institutions. Springer, 2019.
Figueiredo, Hugo, Ana Rita Biscaia, V. Rocha, and P. Teixeira. Should We Start Worrying? Mass Higher Education, Skill Demand And The Increasingly Complex Landscape Of Young Graduates' Employment. Studies In Higher Education 42. Studies In Higher Education (2015): 1401–1420. doi:10.1080/03075079.2015.1101754.
Fonseca, M., E. Justino, and Alberto Amaral. Students’ Migration In A Portuguese Hinterland Public University. Studies In Higher Education 45, no. 6. Studies In Higher Education (2020): 1160-1182. doi:10.1080/03075079.2018.1553155.
Fonseca, M., E. Justino, and Alberto Amaral. Students' Migration In A Portuguese Hinterland Public University. Studies In Higher Education. Studies In Higher Education (2018). doi: DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2018.1553155.
Fonseca, M., D. Dias, C. Sá, and Alberto Amaral. Waves Of (Dis)Satisfaction: Effects Of The Numerus Clausus System In Portugal. European Journal Of Education 49, no. 1. European Journal Of Education (2014): 144–158. doi:10.1111/ejed.12042.
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Fontes, Margarida, C. Sousa, and Pedro Videira. Social Networks And The Entrepreneurial Process In Molecular Biotechnology In Portugal: From Science To Industry. Social Networks, Innovation And The Knowledge Economy. Social Networks, Innovation And The Knowledge Economy (2012): 128-162.
Freires, Thiago, Sandra Santos, and Sónia Cardoso. Doctoral Education In Portugal: Mapping The Landscape. . 13Th Annual International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation - Iceri. 13Th Annual International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation - Iceri. IATED Academy, 2020.
Freitas, Tânia, Iolanda Ribeiro, Irene Cadime, F L Viana, Sandra Santos, Adriana Baptista, and Celda Choupina. Avaliar Fluência Da Leitura. In Ii Jornadas Internacionais De Leitura, Educação E Sucesso Escolar/Iii Jornadas Internacionais De Alfabetização. Ii Jornadas Internacionais De Leitura, Educação E Sucesso Escolar/Iii Jornadas Internacionais De Alfabetização. Braga: Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho, 2017.
Frolich, N., Kalpazidou E. Schmidt, and Maria João e Ma Rosa. Funding Systems For Higher Education And Their Impacts On Institutional Strategies And Academia: A Comparative Perspective. International Journal Of Educational Management 24. International Journal Of Educational Management (2010): 7-21.

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