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Carvalho, Teresa, Carina Jordão, Sara Diogo, and Zélia Breda. Learning Organisations: A Case Study Of Changes In Gender Equality In Decision-Making Bodies. In 14Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 14Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Valencia, Spain: IATED Academy, 2020. doi:
Carvalho, Teresa. Changing Connections Between Professionalism And Managerialism: A Case Study Of Nursing In Portugal. Journal Of Professions And Organization 1, no. 2. Journal Of Professions And Organization (2014): 176–190. doi: .
Carvalho, Teresa, and Rui Santiago. Professional Autonomy In A Comparative Perspective. In Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society, 30–63. Professionalism, Managerialism And Reform In Higher Education And The Health Services. The European Welfare State And The Rise Of The Knowledge Society. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. doi:10.1057/9781137487001_3.
Carvalho, Teresa, and Rui Santiago. Gender Differences On Research: The Perceptions And Use Of Academic Time. Tertiary Education And Management 14. Tertiary Education And Management (2008): 317-330.
Carvalho, Teresa, Sónia Cardoso, and C. Sousa. Changes In The Institutional Context And Academic Profession - A Case From Portugal. In (Re)Searching Scientific Careers, 117-144. (Re)Searching Scientific Careers. S. Petersburg: IHST, RAS, Nestor-Historia, SSTNET & ESA. , 2014.
Carvalho, Teresa. Deteriorating Working Conditions In Academia – The Best Way To Secure Meritocracy? . In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: IATED Academy, 2021. doi: .
Carvalho, Teresa, and Sara Diogo. Exploring The Relationship Between Institutional And Professional Autonomy: A Comparative Study Between Portugal And Finland. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management 40, no. 1. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management (2017): 18-33. doi:
Carvalho, Teresa, and Rui Santiago. Professionalism And Knowledge. In The Routledge Companion To The Professions And Professionalism, 144-157. M. Dent, I. Bourgeault, J. Denis, E. Kuhlmann . The Routledge Companion To The Professions And Professionalism. Routledge , 2016.
Carvalho, Teresa, Sónia Cardoso, Sara Diogo, Cristina Sin, and Pedro Videira. Institutional Policies To Attract International Academics In Portugal In An Adverse Context. International Faculty In Asia: In Comparative Global Perspective. International Faculty In Asia: In Comparative Global Perspective (2021): 153–169.
Castro, R., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and C. Pinho. A Model For Stakeholders? Influence On Internationalization: A Contribution From The Portuguese, Brazilian, And Dutch Cases. Journal Of Studies In International Education 19. Journal Of Studies In International Education (2015): 160-181.
Cerdeira, L., Tomás Patrocínio, B. G Cabrito, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and R. Brites. Portuguese Higher Education Student’s Costs: Two Decades View. In Investigaciones De La Economía De La Educación, 489-501. Investigaciones De La Economía De La Educación, 2012.
Cerdeira, L., B. G Cabrito, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and R. Gomes. A Fuga De Cérebros Em Portugal: Hipóteses Explicativas. Revista Brasileira De Política E Administração Da Educação - Periódico Científico Editado Pela Anpae 31. Revista Brasileira De Política E Administração Da Educação - Periódico Científico Editado Pela Anpae (2016): 409. doi:10.21573/vol31n22015.61736.
Cerdeira, L., Tomás Patrocínio, B. G Cabrito, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and R. Brites. Portuguese Higher Education Student’s Costs: Two Last Decades View. Problems Of Education In The 21St Century 47. Problems Of Education In The 21St Century (2012): 16-26.
Cerdeira, L., and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Facing Higher Education In Portuguese Speaking Countries. Lasa2016. Xxxiv International Congress Of Latin American Studies Association. Lasa2016. Xxxiv International Congress Of Latin American Studies Association. Lima, 2017.
Cerdeira, L., M. L. Machado-Taylor, B. G Cabrito, Tomás Patrocínio, R. Brites, R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, et al.. Brain Drain And The Disenchantment Of Being A Higher Education Student In Portugal. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management 38. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management (2016): 68-77.
Cerdeira, L., and M. L. Machado-Taylor. O Ensino Superior Português: Os Desafios Da Acessibilidade E Da Democratização. Lasa2017. Xxxv International Congress Of Latin American Studies Association. Lasa2017. Xxxv International Congress Of Latin American Studies Association. Lima, 2017.
Cerdeira, L., B. G Cabrito, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and R. Gomes. A Fuga De Cérebros Em Portugal: Hipóteses Explicativas. Revista Brasileira De Política E Administração Da Educação 31, no. 2. Revista Brasileira De Política E Administração Da Educação (2015): 408-419.
Cerdeira, L., Tomás Patrocínio, B. G Cabrito, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. The Evolution Of Higher Education In Portugal: The Expansion And Regionalisation Over The Last Decades. Inted2015. 9Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Inted2015. 9Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference, 2015.
Cerdeira, L., B. G Cabrito, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and Tomás Patrocínio. Transferência De Investimento Na Educação Com Base No Custo Livre: Alguns Dados De Portugal, Espanha, Grécia E Itália. Ensaio: Avaliação E Políticas Públicas Em Educação 24, no. 93. Ensaio: Avaliação E Políticas Públicas Em Educação (2016): 777-803.

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