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“Initiation Rituals In University As Lever For Group Cohesion”. Journal Of Further And Higher Education 38. Journal Of Further And Higher Education (2014): 447-464.
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. “An Integrated Framework Based On The Ecsi Approach To Link Mould Customers' Satisfaction And Product Design”. Total Quality Management And Business Excellence 21. Total Quality Management And Business Excellence (2010): 1383-1401.
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. “Internal Quality Assurance Systems In Portugal: What Their Strengths And Weaknesses Reveal”. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education 41. Assessment And Evaluation In Higher Education (2016): 1049-1064.
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. “Listening Comprehension Assessment: Validity Studies Of Two Vertically Scaled Tests For Portuguese Students.”. Universitas Psychologica 14, no. 1. Universitas Psychologica (2015): 345-354.
. “Listening Comprehension Assessment: Validity Studies Of Two Vertically Scaled Tests For Portuguese Students”. Universitas Psychologica 14. Universitas Psychologica (2014). doi:10.11144/javeriana.upsy14-1.lcav.