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Machado-Taylor, M. L., and I. Portela. Igualdade De Género Na Promoção Do Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Situação Presente E Desafios. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior, 2017.
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Diogo, Sara, Teresa Carvalho, and Alberto Amaral. Institutionalism And Organisational Change. In The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance, 114-131. J. Huisman, H. de Boer, D. Dill, M. Souto-Otero . The Palgrave International Handbook Of Higher Education Policy And Governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan , 2015. doi:
Diogo, Sara, Milka Barbosa, and Teresa Carvalho. An International Comparative Perspective On Higher Education Institutions’ Governance And Management – Portugal, Finland, And Brazil. In Intercultural Studies In Higher Education, 109–133. A. Moreira, P. Jen-Jacques, N. Bagnall . Intercultural Studies In Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham., 2019. doi:
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Dias, D., Sónia Cardoso, Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. Impact Areas Of Iep Evaluations. In A Twenty-Year Contribution To Institutional Change: Eua’s Institutional Evaluation Programme. A Twenty-Year Contribution To Institutional Change: Eua’s Institutional Evaluation Programme. Brussels, Belgium: European University Association , 2014.

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