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Machado-Taylor, M. L., Virgílio Meira Soares, R. Brites, Brites J. Ferreira, and O. Gouveia. A Look To Academics Job Satisfaction And Motivation In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. In International Conference On Education And Educational Psychology - Iceepsy 2011. International Conference On Education And Educational Psychology - Iceepsy 2011. 19-22 October, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Peixoto, P., R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, R. Brites, B. G Cabrito, et al.. Mobigrants: New Agents Of Brain Drain In Portuguese Higher Education. Brain Drain In Higher Education: The Case Of The Southern European Countries And Ireland. Brain Drain In Higher Education: The Case Of The Southern European Countries And Ireland, 2017.
Gomes, R., J. T Lopes, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, B. G Cabrito, P. Peixoto, M. L. Machado-Taylor, et al.. Mobility Of High Skilled Professionals: The Brain Waste And The Brain Gain. Intcess14 - International Conference On Education And Social Sciences. Intcess14 - International Conference On Education And Social Sciences. Istanbul, 2014.
J. Ferreira, Brites, M. L. Machado-Taylor, R. Brites, and O. Gouveia. O Trabalho Académico No Ensino Superior Em Portugal. In Ensino Superior: Inovação E Qualidade Na Docência, 9168-9182. Ensino Superior: Inovação E Qualidade Na Docência. Porto: CIIE – Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas Universidade do Porto, 2012.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., R. Brites, and Maria José Sá. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior: Análise E Discussão Dos Resultados [Higher Education Student Satisfaction: Analysis And Discussion Of Results]. In Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students], 63-177. Satisfação Dos Estudantes Do Ensino Superior Português [Satisfaction Of Portuguese Higher Education Students]. Matosinhos: CIPES – Centro de Investigação de Políticas do Ensino Superior, 2013.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., R. Brites, António Magalhães, and Maria José Sá. Student Satisfaction With Higher Education: Critical Data For Student Development. European Journal Of Education 46, no. 3. European Journal Of Education (2011): 415-432.

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