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Silva, J. P, B. Lopes, Ana Sofia Melo, E. Brito, D. Seabra, M. Costa, and G. P Dias. Yes, We Can: Internships Providing Leverages In The Labour Market. 7Th International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation (Iceri 2014). 7Th International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation (Iceri 2014). Seville, 17-19 November, 2014.
Dias, D., Â. Leite, A. Ramires, and P. Bicho. Working With Cancer: Motivation And Job Satisfaction. International Journal Of Organizational Analysis 25. International Journal Of Organizational Analysis (2017): 662–686. doi:10.1108/ijoa-12-2016-1096.
Carvalho, Teresa, and Sara Diogo. Women Rectors And Leadership Narratives: The Same Male Norm?. Education Sciences 8, no. 2. Education Sciences (2018). doi:
Veiga, L.G., Maria João e Ma Rosa, D. Dias, and Alberto Amaral. Why Is It Difficult To Grasp The Impacts Of The Portuguese Quality Assurance System?. European Journal Of Education 48, no. 3. European Journal Of Education (2013): 454–470. doi:10.1111/ejed.12040.
Jordão, Carina, Sara Diogo, and Teresa Carvalho. Where Is Gender? A Missing Variable In Scientific Research. In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: IATED Academy, 2021. doi: .
Lucas, A., and D. Dias. What Is Best For Future Accountants' Professional Success: An Internship Or A Business Project?. In Edulearn18 Proceedings. Edulearn18 Proceedings. IATED, 2018. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2018.1942.
Tavares, Orlanda, Diana Soares, and D. Dias. What Actually Matters In A Philosophy Curriculum?. 10Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. 10Th International Conference On Education And New Learning Technologies. Palma de mallorca, Spain: Edulearn 2018, 2018. doi:DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2018.1635.
Fonseca, M., D. Dias, C. Sá, and Alberto Amaral. Waves Of (Dis)Satisfaction: Effects Of The Numerus Clausus System In Portugal. European Journal Of Education 49, no. 1. European Journal Of Education (2014): 144–158. doi:10.1111/ejed.12042.
Soares, Diana, Amanda Franco, and D. Dias. Translating Critical Thinking Skills To Higher Education Practices. In Inted2017 Proceedings. Inted2017 Proceedings. IATED, 2017. doi:10.21125/inted.2017.2171.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Transition To Higher Education: The Role Of Initiation Practices. Educational Research 56. Educational Research (2014): 1–12. doi:10.1080/00131881.2013.874144.
Lucas, A., and D. Dias. Training Accounting Students To Act Ethically: The Balance Between Academic Knowledge And Soft Skills. In Iceri2017 Proceedings. Iceri2017 Proceedings. IATED, 2017. doi:10.21125/iceri.2017.1555.
Sá, E., D. Dias, and Maria José Sá. Towards The University Entrepreneurial Mission: Portuguese Academics’ Self-Perspective Of Their Role In Knowledge Transfer. Journal Of Further And Higher Education 42, no. 6. Journal Of Further And Higher Education (2017): 784-796. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2017.1311998.
Dias, D., and Maria José Sá. Tornar-Se Jovem Ou Estudante: Um Desafio Desenvolvimental [Becoming Young Or A Student: A Developmental Challenge]. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia 47, no. 2. Revista Portuguesa De Pedagogia (2013): 65-84.
Lopes, B., J. P Silva, Ana Sofia Melo, E. Brito, D. Seabra, M. Costa, and G. P Dias. To Practice Or Not To Practice? Designing Higher Education Curriculum To Boost Employability. 7Th International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation (Iceri 2014). 7Th International Conference Of Education, Research And Innovation (Iceri 2014). Seville, 17-19 November, 2014.
Carvalho, Teresa, and Sara Diogo. Time And Academic Multitasking–Unbounded Relation Between Professional And Personal Time. In Inquiring Into Academic Timescapes, 137–155. Inquiring Into Academic Timescapes. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021.
M. da Silva, Ribeiro, M. Ramos, and Alberto Amaral. Thermochemistry And Theoretical Studies Of Nickel(Ii) Complexes Of Pyridine And Halides. Xix International Conference On Coordination Chemistry. Xix International Conference On Coordination Chemistry. Praga, 1978.
Teixeira, P., Maria João e Ma Rosa, and Alberto Amaral. Is There A Higher Education Market In Portugal?. In Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality?, 291-310. Markets In Higher Education: Rhetoric Or Reality? Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
Costa, Edna, Patrícia Silva, and Sara Diogo. The Office Is Not Enough: Women’s Representation In High Profile Offices. In Icgr 2021 4Th International Conference On Gender Research. Icgr 2021 4Th International Conference On Gender Research. Academic Conferences Inter Ltd, 2021.

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