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“Portugal”. In The Rising Role And Relevance Of Private Higher Education In Europe, 313-334. The Rising Role And Relevance Of Private Higher Education In Europe. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES, 2007.
. “A Non-Typical Academic Career”. In Generation And Gender In Academia, 83–102. Generation And Gender In Academia. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. doi:10.1057/9781137269171_5.
. ““Learning To Fly”. Higher Education Students’ And Institutional Leaders’ Perceptions Of The Relevance Of Institutional Support Mechanisms In Their Integration Process”. In The Three C-S Of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration And Complementarity, 151-166. The Three C-S Of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration And Complementarity. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2019.
. “Introduction To Essays On Supportive Peer Review”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 7–16. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. “Introduction To Essays On Supportive Peer Review”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 7–16. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. “Internationalisation, Trans-Nationalisation And Globalisation: Can Quality Mechanisms Be An Adequate Regulation Tool?”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 203–220. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. “Institutional Policies To Attract International Academics In An Adverse Context”. In International Faculty In Asia In Comparative Global Perspective. International Faculty In Asia In Comparative Global Perspective. Dordrecht: Springer, 2021.
. “The Iep In A Multi-Level, Multi-Actor Future”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 265–276. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. “The Iep In A Multi-Level, Multi-Actor Future”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 265–276. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. “Higher Education Reforms In Europe: A Comparative Perspective Of New Legal Frameworks In Europe”. In European Higher Education At The Crossroads: Between The Bologna Process And National Reforms, 655–673. European Higher Education At The Crossroads: Between The Bologna Process And National Reforms. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-3937-6_35.
. “The Exceptionalism Of Women Rectors: A Case Study From Portugal”. In Gendered Success In Higher Education: Global Perspectives, 111-131. Gendered Success In Higher Education: Global Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
. “Evaluation Reports: Do They Contribute To Quality Improvement”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 69–82. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. “Audits As Supportive Peer Review”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 47–60. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. “Audits As Supportive Peer Review”. In Essays On Supportive Peer Review, 47–60. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.
. The Practical Guide To Strategic Enrolment Management. Educational Policy Institute (Epi). Educational Policy Institute (Epi). Virginia Beach, VA, USA: Educational Policy Institute (EPI), 2007.
. Essays On Supportive Peer Review. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2008.