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Machado-Taylor, M. L., J.S. Taylor, and R. B Wilkinson. Strategic Planning In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. In Scup 38- Passports To Planning. Scup 38- Passports To Planning. Miami, Fl, USA, 2003.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., and I. Portela. Igualdade De Género Na Promoção Do Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Situação Presente E Desafios. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior, 2017.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., and O. Gouveia. Contributos Para A Avaliação Institucional: O Estudo Da Satisfação Profissional Dos Académicos Do Ensino Superior. In Avaliação Institucional E Ação Politica. Múltiplas Realidades Da Educação Superior, 159-185. Avaliação Institucional E Ação Politica. Múltiplas Realidades Da Educação Superior. Santa Maria: Editora UFSM, 2013.
Machado-Taylor, M. L. O Planeamento Nas Instituições De Ensino Superior. Estudos De Gestão 1, no. 3. Estudos De Gestão (1994): 173-176.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., Virgílio Meira Soares, and O. Gouveia. Academic Job Satisfaction And Motivation: Findings And Discussions. Global Business & Economics Anthology (Gbea) I. Global Business & Economics Anthology (Gbea) (2012): 248-258.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., Virgílio Meira Soares, Brites J. Ferreira, R. Brites, M. Farhangmehr, and O. Gouveia. Job (In)Satisfaction Among Academics In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area 2. Journal Of The European Higher Education Area (2013): 69-94.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., L. Pinto, and J.S. Taylor. Higher Education In São Tomé And Principe. In African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook. African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2003.
Machado-Taylor, M. L. Strategic Planning In Higher Education. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.
Machado-Taylor, M. L. A Non-Typical Academic Career. In Generation And Gender In Academia, 83–102. Generation And Gender In Academia. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. doi:10.1057/9781137269171_5.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., and O. Gouveia. Academic Satisfaction As An Amplifier Of The Organizational Intellectual Capital. Problems Of Education In The 21St Century 32. Problems Of Education In The 21St Century (2011): 58-71.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., R. Brites, António Magalhães, and Maria José Sá. Student Satisfaction With Higher Education: Critical Data For Student Development. European Journal Of Education 46, no. 3. European Journal Of Education (2011): 415-432.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., Virgílio Meira Soares, and U. Teichler, eds.. Challenges And Options: The Academic Profession In Europe. Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing, 2017. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45844-1.
Machado-Taylor, M. L., and O. Özkanli. Gender And Academic Careers In Portuguese And Turkish Higher Education Institutions. Education And Science 38, no. 169. Education And Science (2013): 346-356.
Magalhães, António. 50 Anos De Ensino Superior Universitário. In O Ensino Em Portugal Antes E Depois Do 25 De Abril, 4:57–76. O Ensino Em Portugal Antes E Depois Do 25 De Abril. Porto: Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo/Público, 2024.
Magalhães, António. Caminhos E Dilemas Da Educação Superior Na Era Do Digital. Educação & Sociedade. Educação & Sociedade (2021). doi:
Magalhães, António, and Alberto Amaral. Changing Values And Norms In Portuguese Higher Education. Higher Education Policy 20. Higher Education Policy (2007): 315-338.
Magalhães, António, and Stephen R Stoer. Performance, Citizenship And The Knowledge Society: A New Mandate For European Education Policy. Globalisation, Societies And Education 1, no. 1. Globalisation, Societies And Education (2010): 41-66. doi:10.1080/1476772032000061815.

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