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Huang, Futao, Liudvika Leišytie, Aliya Kuzhabekova, and Sara Diogo. Academics With International Educational And Research Experiences: Differences Across Countries?. In Internationalization And The Academic Profession: Comparative Perspectives, 113–137. Internationalization And The Academic Profession: Comparative Perspectives. Springer, 2023.
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Jordão, Carina, Teresa Carvalho, and Sara Diogo. Planos De Igualdade De Género Nas Instituições De Ensino Superior Em Portugal: A Remar Contra A Corrente? . In Xi Congresso Português De Sociologia: Identidades Ao Rubro: Diferenças, Pertenças E Populismos Num Mundo Efervescente. Xi Congresso Português De Sociologia: Identidades Ao Rubro: Diferenças, Pertenças E Populismos Num Mundo Efervescente. Online Conference: Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, 2021.
Jordão, Carina, Teresa Carvalho, and Sara Diogo. The Change Project Contribution To Improve Women Representation In Decision-Making Positions In Higher Education And Research Institutions. Wissenschaftskarrieren Und Gender Bias: Chancengerechtigkeit An Hochschulen Zwischen Formellen Vorgaben Und Informellen Einflüssen. Wissenschaftskarrieren Und Gender Bias: Chancengerechtigkeit An Hochschulen Zwischen Formellen Vorgaben Und Informellen Einflüssen (2024): 191.
Jordão, Carina, Teresa Carvalho, Sara Diogo, and Zélia Breda. Gender In/Equality In Men Wor(L)D’s: Perceptions On The Construction Of A Gender Equal And Inclusive Portuguese University. In 3Rd International Conference On Gender Research . 3Rd International Conference On Gender Research . Online Conference: ACPI Ltd. , 2020.
Jordão, Carina, Sara Diogo, and Teresa Carvalho. Where Is Gender? A Missing Variable In Scientific Research. In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: IATED Academy, 2021. doi: .
Jordão, Carina, Teresa Carvalho, and Sara Diogo. Implementing Gender Equality Plans Through An Action-Research Approach: Challenges And Resistances. In 19Th European Conference On Research Methodology For Business And Management Studies . 19Th European Conference On Research Methodology For Business And Management Studies . Online Conference: ACPI Ltd, 2020.
Kaewmanee, Pongsathon, and Teresa Carvalho. The Public Policy Process In University Internationalization: A Literlature Review.. In 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. 15Th International Technology, Education And Development Conference. Online Conference: INTED2021 Proceedings, 2021. doi: .
Kaiser, F., and G. Neave. Higher Education Policy In France. In Higher Education Policy: An International Comparative Perspective, 104–131. Higher Education Policy: An International Comparative Perspective. Oxford: Pergamon/Elsevier, 1994. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-042393-7.50012-2.
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Kauko, Jaakko, and Sara Diogo. Comparing Higher Education Reforms In Finland And Portugal. Higher Education Management And Policy 23, no. 3. Higher Education Management And Policy (2012): 1-20.
Koryakina, Tatyana, P. Teixeira, and Cláudia Sarrico. University-Industry And Business Cooperation: Global Imperatives And Local Challenges-An Example From Portugal. In International Perspectives On Financing Higher Education, 111-134. International Perspectives On Financing Higher Education. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. doi:10.1057/9781137549143.
Levkovich, O., J. Rouwendal, and C. Sá. International Students And The Netherlands. In Skills And Cities: Implications Of Location Preferences Of Highly Educated Workers For Spatial Development Of Metropolitan Areas, 170-207. Skills And Cities: Implications Of Location Preferences Of Highly Educated Workers For Spatial Development Of Metropolitan Areas. London: Routledge, 2016.

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