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Conference Proceedings
Machado-Taylor, M. L., and I. Portela. Igualdade De Género Na Promoção Do Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Situação Presente E Desafios. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. 24Th Apdr - Intellectual Capital And Regional Development: New Landscapes And Challenges For Space Planning. Covilhã: Universidade da Beira Interior, 2017.
Gomes, R., J. T Lopes, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, B. G Cabrito, P. Peixoto, M. L. Machado-Taylor, et al.. Mobility Of High Skilled Professionals: The Brain Waste And The Brain Gain. Intcess14 - International Conference On Education And Social Sciences. Intcess14 - International Conference On Education And Social Sciences. Istanbul, 2014.
Gomes, R., J. T Lopes, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, B. G Cabrito, P. Peixoto, M. L. Machado-Taylor, et al.. Mobility Of High Skilled Professionals: The Brain Waste And The Brain Gain. Intcess14 - International Conference On Education And Social Sciences. Intcess14 - International Conference On Education And Social Sciences. Istanbul, 2014.
Journal Article
Pereira, C., Joaquim Filipe Fer Araújo, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. Acreditação Do Ensino Superior Na Europa E Brasil: Mecanismos De Garantia Da Qualidade. Revista Políticas Públicas 19. Revista Políticas Públicas (2016): 61. doi:10.18764/2178-2865.v19n1p61-75.
Alexandre, F., Miguel Portela, and C. Sá. Admission Conditions And Graduates' Employability. Studies In Higher Education 34. Studies In Higher Education (2009): 795-805.
Santos, Sandra, Irene Cadime, F L Viana, G Prieto, Séli Chaves-Sousa, AG Spinillo, and Iolanda Ribeiro. An Application Of The Rasch Model To Reading Comprehension Measurement. Psicologia: Reflexão E Crítica 29, no. 38. Psicologia: Reflexão E Crítica (2016): 1-19. doi:10.1186/s41155-016-0044-6.
Gomes, R., J. T Lopes, L. Cerdeira, H. Vaz, P. Peixoto, B. G Cabrito, M. L. Machado-Taylor, et al.. Asymmetric Mobility And Emigration Of Highly Skilled Workers In Europe: The Portuguese Case. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny 3, no. 169. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny (2018): 143–164.
Gomes, R., J. T Lopes, L. Cerdeira, H. Vaz, P. Peixoto, B. G Cabrito, M. L. Machado-Taylor, et al.. Asymmetric Mobility And Emigration Of Highly Skilled Workers In Europe: The Portuguese Case. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny 3, no. 169. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny (2018): 143–164.
Cabrito, B. G, L. Cerdeira, M. L. Machado-Taylor, and Tomás Patrocínio. Brain Drain And Dependency: The Portuguese Case. Indian Journal Of Research 4, no. 11. Indian Journal Of Research (2015): 121-123.
Cerdeira, L., M. L. Machado-Taylor, B. G Cabrito, Tomás Patrocínio, R. Brites, R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, et al.. Brain Drain And The Disenchantment Of Being A Higher Education Student In Portugal. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management 38. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management (2016): 68-77.
Cerdeira, L., M. L. Machado-Taylor, B. G Cabrito, Tomás Patrocínio, R. Brites, R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, et al.. Brain Drain And The Disenchantment Of Being A Higher Education Student In Portugal. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management 38. Journal Of Higher Education Policy And Management (2016): 68-77.
Cabrito, B. G, L. Cerdeira, M. L. Machado-Taylor, Tomás Patrocínio, R. Brites, R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, et al.. The Brain Drain In Portugal: Some Explanatory Reasons. Investigaciones De Economía De La Educación 9. Investigaciones De Economía De La Educación (2014): 831-846.
Cabrito, B. G, L. Cerdeira, M. L. Machado-Taylor, Tomás Patrocínio, R. Brites, R. Gomes, J. T Lopes, et al.. The Brain Drain In Portugal: Some Explanatory Reasons. Investigaciones De Economía De La Educación 9. Investigaciones De Economía De La Educación (2014): 831-846.
Pereira, C., Joaquim Filipe Fer Araújo, and M. L. Machado-Taylor. The Brazilian Higher Education Evaluation Model: 'Sinaes' Sui Generis?. International Journal Of Educational Development 61. International Journal Of Educational Development (2018): 5-15.
Pinto, Andres, and Rui Amaral Mendes. The Business Model Of Oral Medicine – Disrupting The Practice Of Dental Medicine. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology And Oral Radiology. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology And Oral Radiology (2018). doi:
Cadime, Irene, Iolanda Ribeiro, F L Viana, Sandra Santos, and G Prieto. Calibration Of A Reading Comprehension Test For Portuguese Students. Anales De Psicología 30, no. 3. Anales De Psicología (2014): 1025-1034. doi:10.6018/analesps.30.3.172611.
Siekkinen, Taru, Elias Pekkola, and Teresa Carvalho. Change And Continuity In The Academic Profession: Finnish Universities As Living Labs. Higher Education 79. Higher Education (2019): 533–551. doi:
Pinheiro, Margarida M, Cláudia Sarrico, and Rui Santiago. Como Os Académicos Se Adaptam A Um Ensino Baseado Em 'Pbl' Numa Licenciatura Tradicional Em Contabilidade. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações 5. Revista De Contabilidade E Organizações (2011). doi:10.11606/rco.v5i13.34807.
Rhodes, M.L., L. Biondi, R. Gomes, Ana Sofia Melo, F. Ohemeng, G. Perez-Lopez, A. Rossi, and W. Sutiyono. Current State Of Public Sector Performance Management In Seven Selected Countries. International Journal Of Productivity And Performance Management 61, no. 3. International Journal Of Productivity And Performance Management (2012): 235-271.
Lopes, J. T, J. P Silva, R. Ganga, R. Gomes, D Magalhaes, H. Vaz, L. Cerdeira, et al.. A Decisão De Emigrar: Um Estudo A Partir Da Perspetiva Da Pluralidade Disposicional. Sociologia, Problemas E Práticas 2016. Sociologia, Problemas E Práticas (2016). doi:10.7458/spp2016817484.

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