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. “Is It Still Worth Working In Academia? The Views From Portuguese Academics”. Higher Education Policy 32, no. 4. Higher Education Policy (2019): 663-679. doi:10.1057/s41307-018-0123-7.
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. “Information System For Monitoring And Assessing Stress Among Medical Students”. In New Knowledge In Information Systems And Technologies. Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing. Vol. 931. New Knowledge In Information Systems And Technologies. Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing. Cham: Springer, 2019. 16184-2_56.
. “Integrating International Students: The Missing Link In Portuguese Higher Education Institutions”. Journal Of Comparative & International Higher Education 11. Journal Of Comparative & International Higher Education (2019): 59-65.
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. “Implementing Gender Equality Plans Through An Action-Research Approach: Challenges And Resistances”. In 19Th European Conference On Research Methodology For Business And Management Studies . 19Th European Conference On Research Methodology For Business And Management Studies . Online Conference: ACPI Ltd, 2020.
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“Introduction”. In Educational Processes And Social Analysis , 10-14. Educational Processes And Social Analysis . Hyderabad, Telangana: Avid Science, 2020.