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Sá, Maria José, Ana Isabel Santos, Sandro Serpa, and Carlos Miguel Ferreira. Digitainability – Digital Competences Post-Covid-19 For A Sustainable Society. Sustainability 13, no. 17. Sustainability (2021): 9564. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/su13179564.
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Veiga, L.G., António Magalhães, and Alberto Amaral. Differentiated Integration And The Bologna Process. Journal Of Contemporary European Research 11. Journal Of Contemporary European Research (2015): 84-102.
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Santos, Sandra, F L Viana, Iolanda Ribeiro, G Prieto, Sara Brandão, and Irene Cadime. Development Of Listening Comprehension Tests With Narrative And Expository Texts For Portuguese Students. The Spanish Journal Of Psychology 18. The Spanish Journal Of Psychology (2015). doi:10.1017/sjp.2015.7.
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Viana, F L, Iolanda Ribeiro, Irene Cadime, Sandra Santos, and AG Spinillo. Development Of A Reading Comprehension Test With Equated Forms For The Assessment Of Informative Texts Comprehension.. In 21St Annual World Congress On Learning Disabilities. 21St Annual World Congress On Learning Disabilities. Oviedo, Espanha: Universidad de Oviedo, 2012.
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Viana, F L, Iolanda Ribeiro, Adriana Baptista, Sara Brandão, Irene Cadime, and Sandra Santos. Desenvolvendo Competências De Letramento Emergente Na Pré-Escola: Como A Investigação Sustenta A Prática.. In Decole-Desenvolvendo Competências De Letramento Emergente, 59–92. Decole-Desenvolvendo Competências De Letramento Emergente. Porto Alegre: Penso Editora, 2017.
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